Helen Mackenzie

Swim for Stroke

I'm taking part in the Swim for Stroke challenge!

I joined #TeamStroke for Swim for Stroke.

Stroke Association is here to support people to rebuild their lives after stroke. We believe everyone deserves to live the best life they can after stroke, so we work with the stroke community to make sure people affected by stroke get the very best care and support. We rely on your support to provide vital services, campaign for better stroke care and fund research into preventative and rehabilitative treatments.

My Achievements

Fundraising page set up

Uploaded a profile pic

Shared your page

Raised £50

Raised £125

Raised £350

My updates

Mackenzie Swimming Challenge

Saturday 5th Aug
Hi everyone. It is coming up to three years since mum had her stroke. Fortunately I was there at the time so we caught it quickly - however she has definitely deteriorated in the last couple of years. The service she (and we) received from occupational therapy such as mobility exercises, speech therapy, physio, home visits, simply chatting with mum to make her feel less afraid and more confident was second to none. This is our chance to give something back. And as mum is Ripon’s, Yorkshire’s and indeed the Kingdom’s finest swimming teacher, it seems fitting that this is our way to raise funds for this organisation.  The aim is for me, Laura and Amy to swim 90 miles (in total) to celebrate mum’s 90th birthday by my own birthday on September 30th. If you feel able to donate even £1 to this cause I would be immensely grateful 🏊‍♀️

Off the mark…

Saturday 5th Aug
Got my first sponsor…

Thank you to my sponsors


Christopher Orme


Sam Barrett

Your truly an inspiration 🥰


Nigel & Nicky Woolfenden

What a fantastic effort, you Marvellous Mackenzie Girls!


Upstairs Downstsirs Boutique


Martina, Becca, Caroline And Stuart


Jan And Kerstin

Hugs and Good Luck!


Team Oates

You are awesome Helen! Keep on going!


Amy Westmarland


John Mackenzie

Let’s go, Team Mac xxx





Well done Helen x


Jackie Laugher


Richard Grime

It’s been a massive effort and commitment and you’re almost there. Well done Helen.


Kirsteen D

Such an amazing charity to support… well done on your swim! x


Adele Laurie-wilson

Brilliant cause, superheroes all of you Mackenzie ladies. X


Dawn Coull


Mary Thandiwe Nkwanyana


Anne Stone

Good Luck I’m sure you will smash it!


Debbie Peach

Well done Mrs Mac 🥰


Carole Percival


Kelly Clough

Good luck!


Jo Coxon

Good luck Helen such an important cause x


Graham Livesey

Well done Helen. Fantastic effort.



Great cause, Helen and family. Good luck - Michelle xx


Margaret Smith


Jenny Egdell

Fabulous idea Good Luck


Anne Ambler

Well done gorgeous girl xx


Kath Dawes

Well done and good luck


Molly Blythe

Good luck! A great cause x


Anne Swainston

Good luck to you and your lovely daughters Helen. A great cause. Lots of love xxxx


Kathleen Kane

Good luck


Sally Twed


Clare Britton

You’re amazing! A great charity.


Esther Axon



Kate Mckittrick

Go girl! 💜


Sammy Wilson


Jo Hudson

Great job for a great cause!


Karen Armstrong

Good Luck bless you we know you can do it xxxxx


Debbie Thomas

Swim Helen Swim!!




Otto The Ginger Ninja

Absolutely epic performance Helen. Sorry it’s not much but she felt guilty and bought me some posh dog food. Xx



Another little amount to top you up! Every little helps xx

