Danielle Heath

Swim for Stroke

My Achievements

Fundraising page set up

Uploaded a profile pic

Shared your page

Raised £50

Raised £125

Raised £350

My updates


Monday 28th Aug


Sunday 6th Aug
260 laps completed 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 sponsor goal exceeded …. Thank you for all your support and sponsorships. It means so much 🙏 1060 laps to go 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻

First swim ….

Sunday 30th Jul
Today I had my first swim, and it was made even better because my little supporters  swam right alongside me! We had a fantastic time swimming together. I completed 40 lengths, but I’ve still  got  a whopping 1280 more to go.
I'm determined to reach the finish line though with the #swimforstroke campaign. Nothing can stop me now! Get ready for more swimming adventures ahead!

Swimming for Stroke: Celebrating Milestones and Supporting Research

Monday 24th Jul
Throughout the month of August, I will be diving into the waters, swimming with enthusiasm, and supporting the Stroke Association. This cause is particularly meaningful to me as it marks the one-year anniversary of my dad's stroke, a life-altering event that has shaped our lives in profound ways. So, I invite you to join me on this light and fun adventure as we make a splash for stroke research. And hey, if you feel inspired, please consider making a donation to support this important cause!

Your support means the world to me and will go a long way in helping the Stroke Association fund vital research, provide support to stroke survivors, and raise awareness about stroke prevention. Every contribution, no matter how big or small, makes a difference. Together, we can create positive change and improve the lives of those affected by stroke. 

During this month-long journey, I will be pushing myself to swim a total distance of 20.5 miles. That's equivalent to an astounding 1,320 laps of an average 25-metre pool It's going to be an incredible feat, but I'm determined to make a splash and raise awareness for stroke research along the way.

 Let's dive into August together and make a difference while celebrating life, love, and the joy of swimming.

Thank you for your support, and let's make this swim for stroke fundraiser a memorable and impactful experience!

Danielle x 

Thank you to my sponsors


Super 6

Well done from all at Super 6


Penny & Barry

Good luck Danielle A Brilliant cause B & P 💜


Paul Mitty

Love you Sis x


Carl Heath

You’ve got this..👊👊


Connor Hayes

Good luck Danielle! X


Steph & Grange

Just keep swimming Dan 🏊‍♀️


Kevin Lockhart

Good luck! Kevin & Kim x


Angela Little

Having talked with you lots during this last year and heard first hand the devastating effects to your Dad and all of your family, I am proud of you for braving this to raise money and have no doubt Mrs D you are going to annihilate the challenge lol. Seriously though, awareness is key, it’s not just the person who has the stroke, there is no quick fix, I’ve been witness to you battling with everything and everyone to get your Dad where he is today, the battle is on going ❤️❤️❤️


Maria Mitty

Good luck and we’ll done Dad will be proud mum xx


Thomas Doherty

Great effort Danielle



Go Dan!!!! You are amazing xx


S D Heath


Jane Avella

Good Luck! Love Gaetano, Barbara & Jane xxx


Matt Netto


Sarah Bines

Well done Dan…proud of you!! Xx


Vicky Ward

Good luck Dan xx



Good luck Dan, I’ll know you will do this x


Niki Cook

Well done Danielle, fantastic cause xx


Karen Cooper

Just keep swimming!! 😘




Julie O'brien

Sending lots of love & support x


Graham Layton


Sharon Mayes

You’ve got this. Keep going love Sharon and ash x


Natalie Kelly


Hayley Nunn

Go on Danielle, you got this. super proud of you and raising money for such a wonderful cause and for your dad. X


Paul Hudson


Neil Churchill