Helen Scarborough

Stride for Stroke

I'm taking part in the Stride for Stroke challenge!

I joined #TeamStroke for Stride for Stroke. I will be taking one step for each of the 1.3 million stroke survivors in the UK. The 1.3 million steps challenge works out at 10,000 steps a day for 130 days.

Stroke Association is here to support people to rebuild their lives after stroke. We believe everyone deserves to live the best life they can after stroke, so we work with the stroke community to make sure people affected by stroke get the very best care and support. We rely on your support to provide vital services, campaign for better stroke care and fund research into preventative and rehabilitative treatments.

My Achievements

Fundraising page set up

Uploaded a profile pic

Shared your page

Reached distance goal

Reached fundraising target

Raised £150

Raised £200

My updates

One month down!

Sunday 18th Feb
I’ve completed my first month and thank you to all who have sponsored me to date - you are all awesome! 

I can’t see how to show you my daily steps on this page. This website doesn’t seem to display that data? So I am periodically posting screen shots of my progress on my Facebook group. Go on, give it a follow to keep up to date: https://www.facebook.com/share/Zd7q9vvCuYBe6E8W/?mibextid=K35XfP

Thank you for all your support x

Less cake, now more exercise!

Wednesday 24th Jan
I’m at it again! I’ve taken on the Stroke Association’s Stride for Stroke challenge, where I have to do 10,000 steps every day, for 130 days. This is to raise money to support Stroke survivors, via the Stroke Association. 

I know it hasn’t been long since my (arguably, easier) bake sale where the support I received blew me away and what we raised exceeded my expectations - and I’m not expecting anything on the same level here!!! If you can spare a couple of pounds (or just £1!), to see me (a self confessed couch potato) get active, that would be so amazing! 

As most of you know, I’m supporting the Stroke Association after my Dad suffered a stroke last year. Any money I can raise will go towards the resources he uses now on his road to recovery, but also to help their research and campaigning to improve critical acute stroke care nationwide. Everyone should have the chance to receive life saving Thrombectomys 24/7.

I’ll keep posting on my Facebook page so you can see my progress over the next 4 months. Thanks to everyone in advance xxx

Thank you to my sponsors


Sue, Eric And Jess

Why did the tomato go for a walk? To ketchup with its friends Good luck Helen!




Corrie Van Der Westhuizen


Mcnamara Family X

Well done Helen! Love all the McNamara family x


Laura Lowe

Good luck Helen!


Sarina Richards


Faye White

Well done, Helen! Love The Whites


Sarah Macpherson


Helen Scarborough



Well done Helen, keep up the good work, you’re doing great 😃


Sarah Goodman

Well done xx