Tony Bryan

TCS London Marathon 2024

I'm taking part in the TCS London Marathon as part of #TeamStroke

I joined #TeamStroke for the TCS London Marathon 2024.

Most of you will know that this is a subject very close to my heart having lost my Dad to a major Stroke last year. However we will be eternally grateful for the 11 wonderful years that we had with him following his other major stroke in 2011.

This will be my first ever marathon at the tender age of 55 and so is not a small undertaking, but this is for Dad so I'm going to give it my best.

There are over 1.3 million stroke survivors in the UK, with 100,000 strokes happening in the UK each year. That's one stroke every five minutes.

The association is here to support people to rebuild their lives after stroke. They believe everyone deserves to live the best life they can after stroke, so work with the stroke community to make sure people affected by stroke get the very best care and support. 

The Stroke Association rely on your support to provide vital services, campaign for better stroke care and fund research into preventative and rehabilitative treatments.

My Achievements

Fundraising page set up

Added a profile pic

Made a donation

Shared your page

Hit first milestone

Hit second milestone

Reached 50% of target

Hit final milestone

Reached fundraising target

My updates


Tuesday 7th May
Job done, 26.2 miles completed in 4hrs and 38 minutes.
It was a truly amazing experience and we have raised a fantastic amount for the Stroke Association, so a huge thank you to everyone one of you.

3 weeks to go

Friday 29th Mar
That’s it, third and final long training run done (21 miles)! This one felt so much better than the others. Now time to rest and prepare for the big day.
A massive thank you to everyone who has donated, I’m blown away by your support.

7 weeks to go

Sunday 17th Mar
07/03/2024 It’s 7 weeks to go to the London Marathon and it’s all getting very real. My Stroke Association run top has arrived this morning, the sponsoring is going good but I still have a way to go to hit my £2,000 target. Training is also still progressing well and I’m just back from a 3hour training run covering 18.5 miles (only another 8 to do on the day) giving me a weekly total of 38 miles.

January update

Wednesday 17th Jan
Well it's now starting to get real. 
It's only 13 weeks until the London Marathon and so I have training plans all over my desk telling me what I should do and when and the good news is that my training is on target. 
I'm  running 3 times a week (totaling over 20 miles) and also squeezing in a couple of early morning gym sessions. 
So basically there is no turning back now and I couldn't be more determined to complete the marathon and hopefully in a respectable time.
I also need to push on with the sponsorship as I am running for the Stroke Association and have a long way to go, all donations are gratefully received and so please give generously.

Thank you to my sponsors


Plastribution Ltd


Clifton Hall

Donations from the Clift Hall end of season dinner


Adam Butler


Connect Services North West Ltd

Congratulations Tony - massive achievement for a fabulous cause


Caroline And Jeremy

Amazing stuff Tony , in awe of your training schedule ! Brilliant charity too .



Crazy fool!


Ben & Family


Cash Donations


Jonathan Williams

Well done TB go smash it 👍 your Dad would be so proud of you.


The Kendal Wickhams

Good lad Tony. Hope you enjoy some of it!!


Paula Ward

Good luck Tony 🏃‍♂️ Fabulous cause Paula, Richard & Sophie x


Christopher Bryan

Good luck Tony, we have every faith in you🙂



So impressed by you Tony and your dad would be too. Hope you have a great day x


Team Penhale

Good luck and love from Team Penhale


Helen Cannon

Good luck Tony, we hope all the training pays off. Regardless you are a winner and the Stroke Association will benefit greatly from your fund raising efforts and by raising awareness x


Richard Powell

Great effort Tony for a great cause!


Andy And Fran


Angharad Harper

Well done on all your hard work, keep going you can do it!


Elizabeth Harper

Go Tone Go 🏃. Bravo 👏



Lets get this total rising!


Antony Bryan

Nana and grandad would think you’re nuts! I’m sure they’d be very proud



Good luck Tony


The York Culleys

Have a great day.


Hazel, Graham & Kids

All the best with your run


Julie Coates

Good luck Tony; what a brilliant charity to do this for. Having suffered two strokes last year, this is close to my heart. I have got a stroke nurse; she’s my treasure, I don’t know what I would do with out her 🥰


Ross Glover

Give it horns!


Maureen Wickham

Well done Tony, Uncle Roger would be proud of you.


Steve Brown

Congratulations for taking on this amazing challenge. Enjoy the whole incredible experience.


John & Eve Bainbridge

Good luck!


Sally Williams

Go Tony!!!


Helen Chyla

Good Luck Tony, not that you will need it though as I know you will be amazing 🤩💪🥳


Sally Williams

Go Tony!


Giles And Cherie

Great work Tony, I'm sure you'll smash it


Josephine Jewell

Good luck Tony!


Anne Airey

Good luck, Tony, you'll smash it!


James Campbell

A fantastic cause, well done Tony. Good luck and remember to pace yourself, it's a marathon, not a sprint!


Max Holden

Best of luck!


Jo Stuart-matthews


Charlotte Warner

Well done Tony! A charity close to my heart, having lost my mum from a stroke at a young age. Best wishes for what will be an amazing achievement.


Cash Donation From Brian


Team Budleigh

Good luck from Budleigh x run run run


Helen Griffiths

Congratulations 🥳


Susie Lillingston

I'll be cheering you on from the sofa!




Kelly Mowbray

Fantastic cause Tony and amazing challenge. Go get this 💪👊


Scott Barnes

Go smash it Tony, best of luck from the Barnes’s 💪💪


Mark Stephens

Well done Tony your dad would be extremely proud. All the best Mark and family.



Good luck Tony! Go for it!


Simon (from Lee’s Yoga)

Good luck Tony. It will be a great achievement!


Robert Pugh


Luke Collins

Good luck Tony !!💪🏻


Richard Alston


Stu And Sal

Go smash it Top Man


Rosanna Bryan

You can do it Dad! Doing Grandad proud 💜


Jo Harvey

Good Luck Tony, I am sure you will smash it 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️👊👊


Keith Parker

Great cause Tony, very pleased to support you for all 26.22 miles


Deborah Abell



Well done Tony, it's for a brilliant cause x


Miggy (yoga)

A massive achievement for a great cause. Well done Tony.


Hannah Rowshangohar

A fantastic achievement Tony, congratulations!


Craig And Nat

Best of Luck Tony, you've totally got this. Looking forward to sharing the journey to the start line with you


Alison Large

Keep on running, great work so far


The Garrett’s

I agree with Ant 😃..nuts !So much admiration for you though Tony for doing this ,such a good cause …Your dad would be so proud of you xx


Pete & Alison Marshall

Good Luck Tony, you can do this!


Keith Parker

Great cause Tony, good luck with the run.


Chris B

Good luck 👍


Sarah & Paul Williams

Good luck Tony and well done on raising awareness of the charity.


Paul Hunt

'When the going gets tough the tough get going"


Michael Jonathan Shelton

Well done Tony. You've got this.


Isobel Hall

Good luck old bean!


Ewa Swistak

Good luck Tony!


Andy Robinson


Mary Potter

Good luck


Lorna Carlin

Tony you will be amazing, Well done on all the hard training, enjoy the day 💪


Lee Canterbury-evans

Good luck guv


Michael C

Good luck Tony


Val Lawson

In memory of our Jason x


Ben Dorkins

All the best Tony - great effort for a great cause


James Boardman

Great effort, good luck


Rebecca Humphries

Good Luck!


Simon Gordon

Good luck with the training Tony


Stuart Ward


Pete Bamber

Good luck Tony!! All the best fella


Richard Satchwell

Go smash it Tony



Good luck Tony!


Karen Nj

I shall be watching to make sure you are waving at all the cameras and cheering you on


Emma Whorwood

Let’s smash it!



Huge congrats Tony you smashed it


Louis Baldock-grimes


Dawn Henton

Very good cause. You will smash no doubt about it.