Tom Jarman

TCS London Marathon 2025

I'm taking part in the TCS London Marathon as part of #TeamStroke

Hello everyone! 

My name is Tom and I am running the London Marathon on April 27th, 2025 as part of #TeamStroke! 

In September 2023 my wife suffered an Ischemic Stroke. At the time, neither my wife or I, realised that a Stroke had occurred due to her symptoms being uncommon and her general health being in great condition. After multiple scans in hospital, doctors revealed that a major stroke had happened on the right side of the cerebellum. This type of stroke is one of the less common types and can affect your movement and balance. 

Fortunately, over the past year, my wife has made an amazing recovery with the help of the Stroke Association Charity. Leaving the hospital was a terrifying experience with neither of us having no idea what was to come. The Stroke Association Charity provided us with information and support which helped us navigate through her recovery. 

There are no results as to why my wife suffered a stroke. Many strokes can be explained by risk factors like high blood pressure or atrial fibrillation. However, about 1 in 3 ischaemic strokes have no obvious cause.

A common misconception about stroke is that it mainly affects older people, but a stroke can affect any one of any age. There are over 1.3 million stroke survivors in the UK, with 100,000 strokes happening in the UK each year. That's one stroke every five minutes. 

The aim of this is to continue raising awareness for Strokes occurring in young adults and to share and offer support for those who wish to reach out.

My Achievements

Fundraising page set up

Added a profile pic

Made a donation

Shared your page

Hit first milestone

Hit second milestone

Reached 50% of target

Hit final milestone

Reached fundraising target

Thank you to my sponsors


Pib Community Trust

A gift from the PIB Trust as proposed by Amy Arnold


Hilltop Raptors Fc


Ian Scott



Such a worthy cause . Well done


Karen Birbeck

Go Tom x



Good luck Tommy J 🫶


Sophie Sutton

Good luck Tom. From Ash and Soph.


Claire Butler


Joe Hawley



Good luck youth, proud of you


Mandy Dovey

Good look in the marathon and raising funds hunni




Carol Butler



All the best


Daniel Steel


Amy S

Good Luck Tom


Sue W

Hi Tom. Saw your poster at work. Great charity. Good luck!


Lana & Leigh


Nicola Chambers

Smash it Tom


Tracy Forrest

Good luck Tom!


Dan Gilbride

Good luck Jarman! From Dan and Kitch x


Irene Keeley


Denise Burton

What a star


Glenda Housham


Jack Ellerton



Jemma Ford

Good luck Tom, all your hard work will pay off!


Amy Arnold

Good luck Tom!!


Shraiden Pike

Good luck Tom!



Best of luck mate


Beth Danville

Go smash it Tom!!x


Alex Danville

Good luck mate


Nathan Haywood


Mike Gains

Excellent cause Tom, good luck




Emma Aram

All the best.


Kathryn Housham


Michelle Mccourt


Tasha Chadwick

Good luck Tom! 🍀


Maxine Butler

Proud beyond words. X


Ros Brown


Deb Brazil


Hannah Hawley

Good luck Tom!!!


Maxine Lawson




Maxine Lawson


Caroline Williams

Good luck.


Cheryl Marsh

Good luck Tom , proud of you Francesca ❤️


Anne Whiting

Good luck Tom x



Good luck Tom! You’ll smash it!


Chris Jones

Best of luck, Tom. Good on you mate. Jonesy


Maxine Lawson

Not long now🏃🏻‍♂️‍➡️


Keith Green


Terence Housham

Good luck Tom Love Terry and Betty