Sharon Smith

Stride for Stroke

I'm taking part in the Stride for Stroke challenge!

I joined #TeamStroke for Stride for Stroke. I will be taking one step for each of the 1.3 million stroke survivors in the UK. The 1.3 million steps challenge works out at 10,000 steps a day for 130 days.

Stroke Association is here to support people to rebuild their lives after stroke. We believe everyone deserves to live the best life they can after stroke, so we work with the stroke community to make sure people affected by stroke get the very best care and support. We rely on your support to provide vital services, campaign for better stroke care and fund research into preventative and rehabilitative treatments.

My Achievements

Fundraising page set up

Uploaded a profile pic

Shared your page

Reached distance goal

Reached fundraising target

Raised £150

Raised £200

My updates

I made it!

Sunday 15th Sep
1.3 million steps done! If you can donate to get me to £200, that would be amazing!  Such a great charity.

Nearly There! Only 54,867 to go!

Saturday 31st Aug
Steps for June : 171274
Steps for July: 150497
Steps for August (up to 30th) 213041

Only 54, 867 to go!  Can you help me reach £200?

May total

Sunday 2nd Jun
Hi everyone,  
My steps for 6th - 31st May is 165,313

That leaves 589,679 to go! 

If you can make a small donation, that goes towards helping stroke survivors.  Stroke is something that has affected my family over the last seven months.  The Stroke Association provides support for stroke survivors.  I have raised just over £170 so far, would love to make it to £200 if I can.

April update!

Monday 6th May
Thank you to everyone who has donated so far! April’s total was helped by a school outdoor residential 😂😂😂

Total for 4th April - 5th May is:


Which means I now have 754,992 steps to go! 

Haven’t updated for ages!

Wednesday 3rd Apr
Sorry everyone, have been getting the steps in but haven’t updated the page! 

Last grand total was 169, 247

Weekly updates:
12/2  27,562
19/2 20,258
26/2 32,461
4/3 22,945
11/3 24,051
18/3 25,226
26/3 14,901

Which gives a new grand total of:
336,831! Yay! Go me! 

Only 963, 169 to go!  Please donate if you can, every little helps ❤️

The grand total so far!

Sunday 11th Feb
7/2 7310
8/2 2582
9/2 3358
10/2 2166

Total 15416

So the grand total is now……


169, 427

Please donate if you can! 

Total update

Sunday 11th Feb
29/1 6026
30/1. 3126
1/2 7432
2/2 3851
3/2 2638
5/2 5228
6/2 2912

Weekly total : 31213

Last few weeks!

Sunday 11th Feb
Apologies for not updating before now - lots of extra responsibility in work due to staff shortages and loads of family birthdays. Good progress still being made though! 

22/1 3507
23/1 4158
24/1 7485
25/1 4384
26/1 3025
27/1 5262
28/1 3817

Total for the week : 42810

Total of 79978 Steps so far!

Saturday 20th Jan
A total of 79988 steps so far, and a second donation.  Thank you so much 😊 

Hoping to smash my first 100,000 this week! Please donate if you can and share my page.

Week 2 and 3 complete

Saturday 20th Jan
Back to school for the last two weeks, but still managed to get the steps in! 

Day 6 - 3721

Day 7 - 6104

Day 8 - 7377

Day 9 - 2884

Day 10 - 2142 (11th January)

Total for week 2: 22228

Day 11 - 5361

Day 12 - 2907

Day 13 - 3334

Day 14 - 8676

Day 15 - 2992 (17th January)

Total for week 3: 23270

First week done!

Wednesday 3rd Jan
So, I have made a start! Stroke is something that has affected my family, and I want to raise as much money as I can for the Stroke Association.

Day 1 - 8557

Day 2 - 5990

Day 3 - 3554

Day 4 - 8533

Day 5 - 7846 ( we’d 3rd January)

Total for week 1:  34,480 steps 

My first donation

Wednesday 27th Dec
Yay! My first donation, thank you 😊

Thank you to my sponsors


Alison Nugent

Good luck with the challenge- such a worthy cause x


Gemma Smith


Adrian Smith

This means so much to us all, thanks for all you’re doing x x x x


Pauline Dobbs

Well done Sharon


Michelle Bradbury-evans


Sarah Jones

Well done 👏


Mary Wheeler

Good luck Sharon.


Leighanne Stallard


Shubnam Aziz

Good Luck! X


Marina Saez

Arriba arriba, Sharon! Vamos!


Becky Jones

Smash it Sharon!


Lauren Harrison

Da iawn Mrs Smith.👏 Dal ati! 👍


Rob Monington

Well done and good luck ♥️


Rebbecca Smith & Family

Great cause to step out for Sharon. Keep walking from Rebbecca, Dan & Ethan


Anna Edmunds

Good luck Sharon, I'll phone you when I need my printing to be picked up 🤣 #everylittlehelps



Hope you’ve got some comfy shoes?! Good luck Sharon xx