Sian Porter

Stride for Stroke

I'm taking part in the Stride for Stroke challenge!

I joined #TeamStroke for Stride for Stroke. I will be taking one step for each of the 1.3 million stroke survivors in the UK. The 1.3 million steps challenge works out at 10,000 steps a day for 130 days.

Stroke Association is here to support people to rebuild their lives after stroke. We believe everyone deserves to live the best life they can after stroke, so we work with the stroke community to make sure people affected by stroke get the very best care and support. We rely on your support to provide vital services, campaign for better stroke care and fund research into preventative and rehabilitative treatments.

My Achievements

Fundraising page set up

Uploaded a profile pic

Shared your page

Reached distance goal

Reached fundraising target

Raised £150

Raised £200

My updates

Hi everyone! 👋🏻

Wednesday 31st Jul
As you may know, my dad had a severe stroke about 10 weeks ago now.

Since then, he has undergone brain surgery at Kings College hospital and is now at the Princess Royal in Bromley.

He is still paralysed and unable to walk, mostly unable to talk and we are still not sure what the future holds.

As you can imagine, I feel completely helpless and have been trying to think of something I can do which might make some difference.

Therefore I have decided to walk 1.3 million steps between now and December 8th - 1 for every stroke survivor in the UK.

Anyone that knows me, knows I am pretty lazy, so this is a big challenge for me 🤣 I’m determined to complete it, to try and feel like I am helping, even if it’s just in some small way.

Thank you to my sponsors




Caroline Porter

Such a wonderful thing to do! I'm sure your Dad will be really touched and proud. xx


Cath & Tids

Go Sian! Brilliant cause. Sending love to your Dad. Love Cath & Tids xx


Jenna Foster

Such a fantastic goal - you’re gonna smash this I just know!


Elaine Lamberth

Love from mum and Debbie xxx


Jan Noppen


Emily Middleton

Amazing Sian! Let me know any time you fancy a walking buddy - I’m out with Ralph most days so come and join xxx


Anne Porter

Get walking Sian well done


Naomi Legg


Lisa ❤️x


Ricardo Reis

Beautiful thing you’re doing! Good luck!!


Kathleen Kay




Katie C

Well done Sian. Your dad will be so proud of you xx


Sarah Xxx

Love you xxx


Dominic Signor

Good luck, this is a wonderful idea. Dom



This is a lovely idea and a great charity. You got this! Love you xxx


Natalie Crosland

You can do it Sian! X


Abby Reyes

You are amazing ♥️ let’s do some lunchtime walks!x



A great idea to do this. Thinking of you Xx


Steve Sharp



Good luck xx


Meera Bahl

Best wishes x


Diane & Howard Cartlidge

Good luck!


Sonia Bhattacharjee


Rachel Slinger


Suzy Deeks


Ameet Shah

Good luck



Donated Sian. Good luck😘


David Milan

Donated Sian. Good luck


Lisa And Scott Hewitt

Thinking of you Sian, my dad had a huge stroke in 2019, I know what your going through, I wish your dad all the best and sending you and your family so much strength. Xx


Ana Codita

When nothing goes right … go left. Good luck Sian!



Great idea Sian!! You can definitely do it!


Lisa Brown

You’ve got this! xx


Angela Crowley

Good Luck Sian xx


Mrs P



This is amazing, well done Sian! I know you can do this 💪


Vicky Wilcox

That's round 2 lol xx


Sarah Evans

Well done Sian. I’m sure your dad will be proud of you. ❤️


Dan H


Teru Driscoll

Good luck Sian x



Sending you a big hug. So sorry to hear your news.


D Vinayagam

Sorry to hear about your dad ❤️




Toni Flatt

Good luck Sian- love to you and the whole family


Carly Jeffreys

Good luck Sian! 💪🏻


Paula Punter


Scott Dunkley

Good luck, that's a lot of steps


Karena Fraser


Neil Tarling