Sam Palframan

Brighton Marathon 2024

My Sister and I are taking part in Brighton Marathon 2024 to raise money for Stroke Association

Me and my sister Zoe are running Brighton Marathon 2024 on 7th April in aid of Stroke Association  

As many people close to our family know, Zoe had a childhood stroke causing left sided Cerebral Palsy and this subsequently caused many physical challenges in Zoe’s life. 

Sport has always played a big part in Zoe’s life, and she is training to become a PE teacher, despite the continuous challenges of having CP.

Zoe has always wanted to run a marathon. Both Zoe and I have always been keen runners, and we feel that raising money for this amazingly personal charity seemed very fitting for our first marathon. 

On the whole Zoe has been very lucky in how she has been able to live her life. However, one stroke happens every 5 minutes in the UK and clearly more money is needed to ensure that people affected by strokes have access to the best rehabilitation and support that they deserve. 

Please donate if you are able to, just £1 goes a long way. Please also share this page and follow along with our training updates!

My Achievements

Fundraising page set up

Added a profile pic

Made a donation

Shared your page

Reached 50% of target

Reached fundraising target

Thank you to my sponsors


Abby Mills


Issy Palframan

Good luck Sam - we are very proud ! Love Mum and Dad


Paul Gray

Good man Sam! Pace yourself! And enjoy.



Good luck with the fundraising and training.


Hanna Bilko

Great challenge for a cause close to my heart too. Well done both!


Dani Oliver


Amy Gill

Good luck!!




Richard (qsrc)

Good luck with the training Sam. Well done on supporting a great cause!


Chloe Ramsdale