Sally Jones

TCS London Marathon 2024

I'm taking part in the TCS London Marathon as part of #TeamStroke

I am inspired to take on the London Marathon following my Mother-in-Laws stroke on Christmas day in 2021. 

Witnessing her on-going recovery by overcoming every day challenges that we take for granted, has led to me signing up for my own challenge.

Running 26.2 miles is a massive target for me as I hated running a half marathon and swore I would never run that far again. 

With Deb (mother-in-law) also undertaking her own Marathon related challenge I feel motivated and ready to push myself and along the way help Deb continue to recover and raise money for the Stroke Association.

I have to raise at least £2000 to secure my place, reaching certain fundraising targets over the next 6 months, I appreciate any donation and support you can give to help me and Deb achieve our goals.

There are over 1.3 million stroke survivors in the UK, with 100,000 strokes happening in the UK each year. That's one stroke every five minutes.

We're here to support people to rebuild their lives after stroke. We believe everyone deserves to live the best life they can after stroke, so we work with the stroke community to make sure people affected by stroke get the very best care and support. We rely on your support to provide vital services, campaign for better stroke care and fund research into preventative and rehabilitative treatments.

My Achievements

Fundraising page set up

Added a profile pic

Made a donation

Shared your page

Hit first milestone

Hit second milestone

Reached 50% of target

Hit final milestone

Reached fundraising target

My updates

Debra's story

Sunday 29th Oct
As my superb daughter in law Sally Tulloch-Jones is bravely running the London marathon on behalf of the stroke association next April I have been asked to do something equally challenging by her and the rest of the family. We’ve settled on my walking 26 steps without a walking stick for the first time since I had my stroke on 25.12.21.

At present that feels impossible even with 5and a half months to go, but I expect a marathon does too! I have to have goals to work towards and desite my current immobility I appreciate the love support & motivation given by my friends & family.

The almost two year journey for me as a stroke Survivor has been difficult & often terrifying. I spend a lot of my time weeping, swearing and laughing at myself  in equal measure. The loss of my previous strength and optimistic attitude is a grief I could never have imagined. Knowing that I will never be quite the person I was again  can some days make me desperate and difficult to be around. Thankfully I have fantastic daughters who hold me up and encourage me every step of the way. My Portage friends will know that those little steps can eventually lead to bigger strides. I’ll never stop trying & hope that others in a similar position will have others who support them in the same way.

I’m moving forward slowly despite some of the ridiculous & traumatic things that have happened since, like requiring CPR from the wonderful nurses and caregivers in the excellent rehab unit I was lucky enough to get into during covid; likewalking in my small market town wth my skirt tucked in my knickers, or needing to be rescued from overheating on the hottest day of 22 by my very kind ex husband and his lovely new partner, I can laugh about it all now  but will probably never get over my deep embarrassment!

At the beginning of my journey, the stroke association and different strokes were lifelines that helped me understand what had happened which I didn’t believe at first. 

People supporting Sally and this charity by donating is very kind.

It's got real..

Wednesday 27th Sep
Today I am telling friends family that I have a place at the London Marathon 2024, running for the Stroke Association.

It's a pretty daunting feeling especially after a horrible 10k today where I rolled my already Injured ankle.

But recovery and marathons take time, focus, lots of training and a huge amount of dedication, all the things Deb has been doing for over 18 months!

So here goes.. London 2024 #StrokeAssociation!

Thank you to my sponsors


Lloyd Bank Foundation Foundation



Run Sally run! Great to have the gumption to do this!


Pat Gale

Thanks for doing this Sal. Wishing you much power to your elbow/knees/ankles/etc.




David Smith




Good luck Sally 👍🏃‍♀️



Good luck Sally



Good luck with the training.


Anne & Neil

Very best of luck Sally Love from Anne & Neil



Soooo proud of you Sals! What a woman x



You are awesome Sally! You have got this



Good luck, amazing progress and cause!



You got this Sal! Smooth running smooth dude 💛


Mark Blamire


Kathryn Howard

So proud of you 👏


Mari Fairfax


Ellen Graby

Sally you're an absolute hero. So proud of you. You will be absolutely amazing! Wishing you all the luck in the world xxx



Well done Sally! Congratulations on your amazing success in the London Marathon. Love from the Brewers. xxx


Andy And Mo

What a great thing to do - well done Sally!



You are smashing your training, enjoy it on the day! xx


Amy Alderson

Go Sally! You got this 💪. Smashing it. Xx


Rebecca Corbett

Go Sal! Lots of love to you all xx


Emily And Meg

I think you’re amazing Sal, as is Debs! Much love and admiration for you both x x x x


Sally Jones


Anna Kasper

Good luck Sal!! Love you loads. Love Brew, Joe and Henry Tegid



Good luck Sally Wally xxx



Good luck Sally!



Gwarn Sally - what a goal. You got this, Wonder Woman. Big love xx


Ruth Smith

Well done Sally. A very worthy cause.


Gus Jacob


Colin Jones

Proud of you Sally Lots of love Angela &Colin


Lucy Fletcher

Keep up the training!!! You got this. 😊


Helen Tulloch



Edith Forestier

Wish you to achieve all your goals during this new year. Best of luck and best wishes xx


Barbara Beilby

Well done Sally !!! Donation from Babs & Brian - friends of Deb.


Rachael Tulloch

First installment...



You should be phenomenally proud of yourself. What an achievement Sally. Incredible


Nicky D

What an absolute trooper and an achievement in difficult training circumstances!! Really proud of you!


Mark Gibson

All the best Sally :)


Ben Oughton

Best of luck Sally!! Doing it for an amazing cause, sure you’ll smash it!


Jane French

Wishing you all the best of luck with this challenge.


Janet R


Heather Mccarten

Good luck mate, you've got this!! 💪💪


Paulina Mania

Go Sally! What a fantastic challenge, lots of love to you and Deb (she sounds a bit of character! lol) x


Karen Swaffield

Good luck Sally and Debra!



Hi. Trust preparation going well. Enjoy the day.


Scott B

Good luck Sally!!


Sarah Hunter

You were amazing Sally, such an inspiration! So proud of you, marathoner 💜


Jen S

Good luck Sal! Can’t wait to see you smash it - will be cheering you on from Cardiff x


Diane Park

You are an inspiration Sally. Supporting you in spirit. Go Sally,Go Go Go.


Hayley R

I have every confidence in you! Good luck and I hope the training goes well.


Franky Mccarthy

Great cause. You'll smash it!


Claire Charlton

You’re a superstar Sally! Good luck and well done on doing such an amazing thing for an amazing cause.


Louise Hoyle

Good Luck Sally! Such a fabulous cause.


Matt Bareham

Go Sal!!!


Johanna Booth

Good luck Sally :-)


Clare Wilding

Good luck Sally!



Go on Sal 💪 you got this x



Good luck Sally, you'll smash it!!!! 🏃🏻‍♀️


Rachel Addinall

Good luck Sal xx


Josh Lyons

Amazing result Sally, know how you battled injuries during, proper inspirational!


Chris Gee

Huge congratulations… such a wonderful cause 💕


Jon Sykes

Good luck Sally!


Andrew Tiffany




Katie Farr

Go sally go! 🏃‍♀️


Jamie Thurlwell

Go smash it Sal !


Lee Farrington

Go Sally !


Jeremy Tilson

Very best of luck


Kate Ross

Go for it Sally, you'll be fab. Amazing cause and sending best wishes to your mother-in-law for her recovery


Daniel Bonner

Hi Dally, all the very best in running the marathon I hope all goes well.


Matt Seal

You’ve trained hard Sally. Go and enjoy Sunday x


Tom Harman



Fabulous Sally, go you


Collette Mensah

Incredible effort Sal x


Ben Beattie


Shyrelle Iredale

You got this!


Martin Maddock-bradley

Hi Sally, I missed the bake sale in Lovell Park the other week but wanted to donate. I think I might have just taken you over £2k!


Katie Aspin

Best of luck!


Amy And Pete X

Go Sally Jones! You've got this <3


Donna Hartley

Good luck!


Charlotte Brough

Good luck to you both :)


John Ingham

Enjoy it if you can!


Gemma Williams