Natasha Toll

Stride for Stroke

I'm taking part in the Stride for Stroke challenge!

I joined #TeamStroke for Stride for Stroke. I will be taking one step for each of the 1.3 million stroke survivors in the UK. The 1.3 million steps challenge works out at 10,000 steps a day for 130 days.

Stroke Association is here to support people to rebuild their lives after stroke. We believe everyone deserves to live the best life they can after stroke, so we work with the stroke community to make sure people affected by stroke get the very best care and support. We rely on your support to provide vital services, campaign for better stroke care and fund research into preventative and rehabilitative treatments.

My Achievements

Fundraising page set up

Uploaded a profile pic

Shared your page

Reached distance goal

Reached fundraising target

Raised £150

Raised £200

My updates

Day 73

Tuesday 12th Mar
In 73 days I have now finally completed my 1.3 million steps. I’ve completed and done 1.317,861 steps in two and half months and  I had 4 and half months two so it in I did it in half the time 

In 69 days

Saturday 9th Mar
In 69 days I have now hit 1,264,104 millions steps.  Only 35,896 thousand steps to go before I hit 1,3 million steps. Every step counts to raise money for stroke

Day 63

Sunday 3rd Mar
Day 63 I have now hit 1,137,405 steps, only 162,595 more steps to go till I hit 1.3 million steps to raise money for stroke

In 53 days

Wednesday 21st Feb
In 53 days I have hit 944,519 thousand steps. I have now got 355,485 more steps to go before I hit 1.3 millions steps. Every step I get closer to helping people with stroke 

In 35 days

Sunday 4th Feb
In 35 days I have hit 586,287 steps, 713,713 more steps to go to hit 1.300000 steps. I have 130 days to complete the challenge. Every step to help raise money for stroke

Thank you to my sponsors


Roy B

Go for it Tasha




Kirstie Bell

Good Luck with your Challenge Natasha, you'll smash it!


Jamie Pye


Amy Toll

