Morag Hood

Stride for Stroke

I'm taking part in the Stride for Stroke challenge!

I joined #TeamStroke for Stride for Stroke. I will be taking one step for each of the 1.3 million stroke survivors in the UK. The 1.3 million steps challenge works out at 10,000 steps a day for 130 days.

Stroke Association is here to support people to rebuild their lives after stroke. We believe everyone deserves to live the best life they can after stroke, so we work with the stroke community to make sure people affected by stroke get the very best care and support. We rely on your support to provide vital services, campaign for better stroke care and fund research into preventative and rehabilitative treatments.

My Achievements

Fundraising page set up

Uploaded a profile pic

Shared your page

Reached distance goal

Reached fundraising target

Raised £150

Raised £200

My updates

Done it!!!

Wednesday 5th Jun
With this mornings steps, which are not logged yet the task is complete!! 1.3 million steps DONE!

Nearly there!!

Tuesday 4th Jun
Not far to walk now to hit the target! Some days have smashed it and other day not quite, just like life really! Thanks for all the donations!!


Tuesday 21st May
If only I'd checked my fitbit before bed i would have realised i only needed 59 steps to get the 10k!!! Aaargh! I genuinely thought I was about 2k off my target so put it down as a lazy day.
Well, that's not annoying is i! 

My motivation

Wednesday 15th May
This is Matthew, my lovely brother in law and why I'm doing this challenge. He's been through so much, me walking a few steps is nothing in comparison.

Help if you can.

Friday 3rd May
I partly signed up for this challenge for selfish reasons, to motivate myself into exercise after a winter of slothing. The main motivation though was our Matthew.  Having suffered a major stroke he's done incredibly well, with mostly the support of my sister to recover but still is facing more surgery and more recovery. Strokes can change everything,  without any warning life turned upside down. Sadly the services from the NHS are lacking to say the least, so charities like Stroke Association are so important for the ongoing research needed to reduce the risk of others going through what Matthew has. 
He will win in the end though. 🥰


Tuesday 30th Apr
So, after a fun night Saturday,  Sunday was a bit of a steps wash out! Monday I felt generally shattered so that was even worse! Sorry. 
I promise to be better 🤣🤞🤞

Fun steps!

Sunday 28th Apr
Got in over 17k steps yesterday while loads of fun in Leeds with my girls celebrating Helen's retirement. Ended the day with a bit of dancing!!

Smashed it!

Monday 22nd Apr
Last few days have been great, steps wise. Easy to get them in on the beaches of Northumberland!!!


Tuesday 9th Apr
I'm actually proud of the 9329 steps yesterday as I was in a lot of back pain, do didn't expect to get anywhere near that! Still frustrating to miss the 10k by less than 700 steps though!


Wednesday 3rd Apr
Little Bessie boo has been helping me along the way, plodding through the mud to get my steps in!! Over 500k steps now. Just need a few more donations!!

Surprise, Surprise

Saturday 23rd Mar
Actually wasn't expecting to hit my target yesterday or today,  having a horrible arthritis flare up. Just goes to show though that you can surprise yourself! Friday smashed my target and have already done the 10k today and it's only half 5! Nice time with family and some impromptu folk music in the bar we stopped in for "refreshments"!.

Rainy day walks

Wednesday 20th Mar
A road closure meant no lovely reservoir walk! Skipton and local woods was the back up plan today. Over 14,000 steps and it's not even 7pm yet!

Smashed it Saturday!

Sunday 17th Mar
Nearly 16000 steps while having fun! Spa day treat on Monday so might blob on the 10k but we'll see.....

Total so far!

Wednesday 13th Mar
Of the 1.3 million steps I need to do to complete the challenge, so far I've done 298,290 from 12th Feb to 12th March. Not bad, eh?!


Saturday 9th Mar
Thank goodness I did nearly 18k steps to work off the delicious wine and food we are! This is a duck Éclair by the way!


Friday 8th Mar
Didn't quite hit the 10k yesterday,  missed by 325 steps!! I only hope my over achieving on other days counts?! Haha

Lunch walk

Wednesday 6th Mar
Nearly at my target and it's only 2pm!! Lovely lunchtime walk in People's Park to try destress and get my steps in! Thanks for the support so far and if you're reading this please donate what you can. X

Monday, Monday!

Tuesday 5th Mar
Not bad eh?! Most of that before teatime. Maybe I was walking off the frustration that my brother in law's operation has been rearranged AGAIN!!!

Day off!

Saturday 2nd Mar
Supposed to have been having a lazy day yesterday, wasn't planning to get 10k. We'll, just shows we can all surprise ourselves!


Thursday 29th Feb
Well, that was lucky making the target seeing as I worked and went for tea with my lovely colleagues! Making the effort in the morning and at lunch to get the steps in ia definitely the best way to hit the 10k.


Sunday 25th Feb
Fun day out with my sister and brother in law! Steps smashed, food devoured!


Thursday 22nd Feb
Busy, busy day at work but ended nicely with tea out!! Amazed to hit the target despite being pooped and full of food!

Whatever the weather!

Tuesday 20th Feb
Post work walk, thankfully to get a massage!! Sunny all day then of course pouring it down when I needed to walk. Got my target anyway !!

Good, for a Monday!!

Tuesday 20th Feb


Sunday 18th Feb
After few days of an awful cold, made up for it today!!!

15th Feb

Friday 16th Feb
I'm taking 9353 steps as a win! Yes, I could have walked up the street to get the 10k but honestly,  I felt SO unwell with a head cold. I was in bed for 8pm so I'm hoping you let me off and count this as ok?! 

1st day!!

Monday 12th Feb
First day done! Over 10,000 steps done and not bedtime yet! Just another 129 days x 10,000 steps to go before end of June. 

Practice makes perfect!

Sunday 11th Feb
Tried out my evening route with Bess today.  Working sat mostly on my backside, I'm going to need to get more steps in afterwards and because we're still in darker months I'll be sticking to roads, rather than the park or moors. Wish me luck!


Monday 5th Feb
The support for people who suffer a stroke and those around them is sadly lacking,  anything we can do to improve that is so important,  so this is my small contribution. On a selfish note, it'll motivate me to get my lazy ass in gear! Thanks for your support! X

Thank you to my sponsors


Gwen Sainsbury

What a lovely thing to do Morag xx


Dawn Wycherley

Arriba, arriba arriba!!!! Go for it sis!


Gillian Angus



You've got this


Laura H

I've topped you up to reach your target! Well done lovely. Amazing job💗



Well done, little legs!


Zoe Hatch

Keep going Hood!


Emma G X

Keep going're doing amazing x


Oenone Hood

Go for it Morag!!!




D Kippax

Good luck!


Wendy Woo

Well done Morag; great cause 👍 You’ll be as fit as a fiddle!




Vicky Maxfield

Great work Morag, a charity very close to my heart ❤️


Naomi Kitcher




Louise Maidens


Catherine Warnock

Keep going kid xxx


Heidi Westbrook

Good stuff Morag. Great charity x


Helen Cowley

You go lovely xx


Faye Wycherley



Go on Raggles, you superstar!


Lee Osborne

Keep it up Morag! x


Helen Brimacombe

Great cause Morag Keep going 👏


Helen Bousfield

Well done Morag x



Go girl…