Leigh Jarrett

TCS London Marathon 2024

What have I done?

I am not a runner and don’t enjoy running at all, however I am running the London Marathon to raise awareness for Stroke.

Stroke is a charity which is very close to my families heart. To be honest I had never really thought about strokes until last year when we realised how a stroke can happen to anyone at anytime, any age and any gender. 
I was doing so well with my training and even ran half a marathon at Christmas, but all of a sudden I have completely lost my confidence and doubting myself.  I need to get my mojo back and what better way than to start fundraising to make me realise that I can’t back out. 
If you can, please donate to stroke and give me that push I need to get going again.
Thank you
Leigh x

I joined #TeamStroke for the TCS London Marathon 2024.

There are over 1.3 million stroke survivors in the UK, with 100,000 strokes happening in the UK each year. That's one stroke every five minutes.

We're here to support people to rebuild their lives after stroke. We believe everyone deserves to live the best life they can after stroke, so we work with the stroke community to make sure people affected by stroke get the very best care and support. We rely on your support to provide vital services, campaign for better stroke care and fund research into preventative and rehabilitative treatments.

My Achievements

Fundraising page set up

Added a profile pic

Made a donation

Shared your page

Hit first milestone

Hit second milestone

Reached 50% of target

Hit final milestone

Reached fundraising target

Thank you to my sponsors


L Fisher


Stuart Jarrett

I know this has been on Leigh’s bucket list for a long while now, and stroke has affected someone special in our lives quite recently, and so to be able to raise awareness/money for such a great cause is perfect. I could not be any prouder of you babe, me and the boys will be cheering you on every step of the way 🏃‍♀️ X


Steve Jarrett

Good luck! From Steve and the team.


Olivia Watson

You’re going to smash it, will be there cheering you on all the way xx


John, Brooke, Paige & Pops

My little Sis, running for a cause close to our hearts.


Carole & Dean

Really proud of you running this Leigh ,have fun x And smash it X


Jim Fielding

Well done Leigh, love Uncle Jim and Jim Junior


Hannah Rooney

Our lovely Leigh, we are all so very proud of you and will be there cheering you on 🌟 you’ve got this xx


Morter Family

Good luck, go smash it for an amazing charity very close to our hearts too xxx


Claire & Pav

Best of luck Leigh. We're sure that you'll smash it! Hope your toe nails stay in place! Xxx


Laura Scannell-wood

Good luck Leigh!! From the Scannell-Woods x


Vickie Maher

You've got this Leigh, remember, Left, Right, Repeat...for 26 miles! Love the Maher's xxx


Robert Stephens

Good luck Leigh, hope all goes well on the run.


Justin And Jacobi

Good luck today - well done hope you have an amazing day from the Jacobi’s


James Shingleton

Good Luck Leigh, I’m sure you will smash it and for a really great cause.


The Murphys

Bet you’re smashing it! With you every step of the way (not literally, obviously - we’re not crazy). Love from Liz, Paul, Lily & Adam




Angela Eguakhide

You are bonkers for doing this but I have no doubt that you will finish with style as per usual. Good luck and your sister will be so proud of you.


Jim And Jack Fielding

Good luck Leigh, be thinking of you


Lou A

Very proud of you Leigh. You can do this! xx


Tori, Matt, Ollie, Will & Nate

Love it ! Wonderful idea, you will Ace it!


Rogers Mob

Good luck Leigh


Vanita Sharma

You go girl! Very close to my heart too. You're very very brave. Wonderful xx


The Fultons

Go Leigh!! We will all be cheering and supporting you on love The Fultons xxxx


Lewis Jarrett

Go mum!


Leila Hussain


Sam Clarke

Good luck to a lovely friend!! You can do it x


The Plachta’s

Good luck, you’ve got this xxxx


Garry & Liz Childs

Good luck Leigh 🥰



You Go Girl!! Keep on Running..


Natalie Giles

Good luck Leigh xx


Jackie Mclarens

Good luck, Leigh. You’re amazing! You can do it - just keep that finish line in mind and how good you’ll feel when it’s all over! Xx


Faye Mccarthy

You should be so proud or yourself Leigh. Amazing and wish you all the luck in the world. Love The Mccarthys xx


Nicola Burgess

You got this leigh 🏃 lots of luck and what a great achievement xx


Jacqueline Creegan

Go girl ❤️❤️❤️


Sue Witton

Wow, you will be great I’m sure, great charity xx


Mandy Matthews

You superstar Leigh!! You go girl. Will be very much with you in spirit!! X


Ana Valeron

You can do this Leigh!!! XXX


Heidi Peckett

Good luck Leigh xx


Emma Kilby

A great charity, you’ll do amazing!


Steph Brighton & The Coogans

You're going to smash it Wonder Woman! xxx


Frances Harris

Good luck Leigh a charity close to our hearts. Frances, Dave and Scott xx


Anastasia Ivanova

Good luck Leigh ! 🌺


Joanne Day

Good Luck Leigh - it will be one of the most emotional days of your life and you will smash it. Enjoy the crowd and the sights of London. Jo Day x


Amy, Brett & The Freemans

Best of luck Leigh 🩷 Go smash it lovely 🩷 most of all try to enjoy it xx lots of love Amy, Brett & The Freemans


Lorraine Kenny And Teddy

Good luck Leigh. You will smash it x ❤️


Jackie Davies


Vicky And Keith

Well done you did it Leigh what an amazing lady and a great achievement proud of you xx


Angie Milton-white

Good luck Leigh Lots of love Craig, Angie, Len, George & Hollie 😘


Nat Wilkins

Good luck Leigh you will smash it. Just think of that amazing medal at the end . . . and the glass of Wine ! Enjoy the day Nat. Steve & Dom xxx


David & Helene

Good luck Leigh x


Lorraine Kenny And Teddy

Good luck Leigh . Enjoy the experience, you will be great Love Lorraine Kenny and Teddy xx


Tracey Roxburgh


Caroline Longhurst

My brother had a stroke in December so this is close to our hearts too! You’ll completely smash it Leigh!


Sarah, Esme & Ben

Wow what a determined young lady you are, you should be very proud of yourself, well done!


Zara Mahmood

You have got this Leigh, an amazing charity , keep strong we are all behind you xxxxx


Deb & The Mortimore's

Such a brave and inspiring thing to take part in Leigh! Your chosen charity is very close to our hearts too, go smash it!!


Catherine O’callaghan

Good luck Leigh. I’ll be there cheering you on near the finish line on The Mall. Fantastic achievement.


Karen Blackmur

Good luck Leigh, you can do it! Xx


Lynsey Barney

I have no doubt you will absolutely smash this challenge. You will be amazing! Good luck, sending you lots of strength for the big day. Love all of us xxx


Alex And Hazel

Best of luck Leigh, great cause, we will be looking out for you x


The Hyams

Congratulations Leigh - well done on a great achievement and for raising so much money for a great cause so close to your heart x


Carol And Ken Moore

You can do it Leigh 👏👏


Lisa Bishop

You’ve got this Leigh! And for a great charity too! X


The P's

Good Luck Leigh. One step in front of the other and before you know it you'll be at the finish line. Enjoy the experience, youll be amazing. Love Nic, Al, Archie & Stan xxxx


Helen Miller

Wishing you good luck with every step! ❤️🏃🏽‍♀️❤️



Amazing 🤩


Emma Goodwin

Good Luck Leigh!! I have seen you running the streets and always look good! You will love it and be amazing! Xx


Carol W

Wow!!! Leigh, this is amazing!!! Well done you...you've got this. Brilliant charity too.


Zoe Preston

Good luck Leigjh x you've got this x very proud of you xx


Mayuri Parmar

Good Luck Leigh xx


Tammy O’connell


Lesley Kennedy

Well done Leigh, amazing! Love Lesley xxx



Good luck Leigh. You can do it!


Anthony Isaac


Sarah Pilley

Good luck Leigh! Such an amazing thing to do!


James Andrews

Well done Leigh!


Donna O’connor

Good Luck Leigh xx


Lucy Masters

Good luck Leigh! xx


Kerry Philp

Good luck Leigh x


Vanessa Moore

Fantastic Leigh! You've got this! Good luck xx


Elizabeth Bailey

Good luck Leigh! We'll be cheering you on! Love Beth, Paul, Isabella and Lucas


Nicki Hircock

You’ve got this Leigh! 🏃‍♀️ 👟 xx




Nicola Bulmer


Amy Sauvary

Best of luck Leigh!


Thea P

Good luck Leigh! You’ll absolutely smash it! 😊


Gary Parker-thomson

Good luck


Joe & Laura

Good luck Leigh, rather you than me!!


Sharon Williamson

You will smash it Leigh! Xx


Jo Allan

Good luck Leigh Xx


Callum Enright & Family Xx

Good luck!


Shelley Hobbs

Good Luck Leigh! X


Carol Povey

Good luck Leigh. Such a worthwhile cause. xx



Good luck x


Janice O’brien

Good luck Leigh


Carrie Dan & Boys

Go smash it Leigh be proud of yourself you are amazing to even be taking part!! Love Carrie, Dan & boys xxx


Carol & Ken Moore

Good luck Leigh love Carol and Ken xx


Boparai Family

Well done Leigh forgot to donate but super proud of you.


Matthew Willis


The Taylor’s

Good luck Leigh!! You’ll be amazing, have fun!! Lots of love, Clare, Dan, Keelah & Kai xx


Sarah Walia


Jenni Field


Gaby Bilbie


Becca S

Good Luck Leigh!


Clare Casey

Well done Leigh for your hard work and dedication to supporting this good cause. You will be great 🥰🏃‍♀️🤗! Xx


Lisa, Syd & Beau X

You’ve got this Leigh!


Alice Parnell

You will smash it Leigh. ❤️❤️


Jade X

Well done and good luck 🍀


Lauren Radford

Good Luck Leigh, you’ll do great 😘 xxx



Keep on running


Liz Rowlin

You can do this Leigh, absolutely amazing!! The whole of Essex will be cheering You on xx


Cathy Brooks

Nearly here Leigh! Good Luck!! I know you'll smash it!!!


Angie Ayling

Good luck Leigh massive achievement , and for such a great cause xx


Clare Le May

Good luck Leigh, will look out for you on the TV xx


Laura T

Wishing you all the very best for your training and on the day! What an amazing thing to do. Go Leigh! Xxx






Sarah Baker


Pam Jarrett