Kasha Kelly

Bath Half Marathon 2025

I'm taking part in the Bath Half Marathon as part of #TeamStroke

I joined #TeamStroke for this stunning Bath Half Marathon 2025, taking in some of the Bath's famous landmarks on closed roads. It's an event not to be missed

There are over 1.3 million stroke survivors in the UK, with 100,000 strokes happening in the UK each year. That's one stroke every five minutes.

We're here to support people to rebuild their lives after stroke. We believe everyone deserves to live the best life they can after stroke, so we work with the stroke community to make sure people affected by stroke get the very best care and support. We rely on your support to provide vital services, campaign for better stroke care and fund research into preventative and rehabilitative treatments.

My Achievements

Fundraising page set up

Added a profile pic

Made a donation

Shared your page

Reached 50% of target

Fundraising target met

Thank you to my sponsors


Ricky Butler

Good luck kasha and thanks ❤️


Gary Butler

Good luck sweetheart xx




Cynthia Oliver


Billy Butler


Becky Carey

Good luck kasha xx


Kerrii Chadwick


Pollyanna Thompson

Well done kasha . This is from my aunty Pauline too. X x




Vicky Hastings

Well done and thank you xx


Emily Butler



Geraldine Glover


Kiani Short


Kelly Edwards

Let's hope it takes less time than a tour of the office. You got this


Angela O'loughlin

Good luck Kasha.



Go on Kasha- you’ll smash it! Amazing cause 💕


Anna Anderson


George Chandler

Run fast as you can



Good luck to both you and Sam ❤️


Megan Drew

good luck!x


Sam Roberts

You’ve got this. Proud of you!!!


John Warren

Good luck with the marathon. Thoughts are with the family.


Julie Gazzard

You never cease to amaze me, even with your own health problems you still keep giving to others. I am so proud to be your mum xxx


Heather Van Dort

Well done Kasha


Dominic Summers

Good luck! 😊👏🏼


Karlise Meganlee Jeffery

Proud of you, you’ve got this❤️


Jake Lovell


Carla Reese

You are such an inspiration.


Robertsons Robertsons

Hope you raise your dream amount and more.... Routing for you for a good cause close to your heart....


Lauren Hill

👏🏼 cheering you on Kasha!!


Isy Wedlake

You got this Kasha, go smash it!


Lauren Burrough