Huong La

TCS London Marathon 2024

My Achievements

Fundraising page set up

Added a profile pic

Made a donation

Shared your page

Hit first milestone

Hit second milestone

Reached 50% of target

Hit final milestone

Reached fundraising target

My updates

The most amazing day!

Wednesday 24th Apr
Full write up coming soon but still processing what an incredible day Sunday was. I finished the marathon, I got my medal and hundreds of absolutely fabulous memories and moments to treasure. Massive thank you to everyone involved, all the supporters that lined the streets and the volunteers whose work is just invaluable.

I did it!

Wednesday 24th Apr
Look at how pretty the medal is

Here I am!

Saturday 20th Apr
Finally found my name on the runners wall after going cross eyed trying to locate it!

Picking up my race number

Saturday 20th Apr
Look how big 26.2 miles is!

Picking up my bib

Saturday 20th Apr
Not updated much since the big 20 mile run, a few long runs since then and it's been taper time. Found out my starting wave and time, not heading off until after 11am. On Wednesday I went to the Expo to pick up my race bib and pack, number 71476. The race is only a day away now!

After the race

Wednesday 27th Mar
Cakes and cookies were waiting so I had to finish! 😂

Thames Riverside 20 - mile 13

Wednesday 27th Mar
My first official running photo!

The big one before the BIG big one!

Wednesday 27th Mar
Booked myself onto a 20 mile event over the weekend, the Thames Riverside 20 organised by the Clapham Chasers. I wanted my last big run to be an actual event with other people rather than attempting 20 miles on my own as I would have found too many excuses to stop! Going along fine until about 17 miles and then it got harder and needed a few more breaks in running but finished (not last!) and had over 4 hours on my feet so feel really prepared for 3 weeks time! 

2nd half marathon

Sunday 17th Mar
I think it's the medals at the end that's getting me through a run! 😂

Nearly made it to 16 miles

Sunday 17th Mar
The weather this morning was atrocious, 16 miles on the plan. Left a lot later than usual for my run and it poured. Shoes were soaked and so was I! Avoiding huge puddles all the way and splashing water up past my ankles. How I managed to avoid any blisters was a miracle! At 14 miles it felt to tough so just carried on slowly with bits of walking in between. Just short of 16 miles but pleased nonetheless 

2nd half marathon done!

Sunday 17th Mar
Really slow with the updates. Entered a 2nd half marathon a few weeks back and only a few days before the event. Really big organised event which was great as much of the training has been solo runs so a busy race was perfect. Met two lovely ladies at the start of the race and ran with them the entire time. Managed to finish and shave a few minutes off my half marathon time 

Me and my medal

Friday 23rd Feb
First race medal 😁

Richmond half marathon

Friday 23rd Feb

First half marathon completed!

Friday 23rd Feb
Last Sunday 19th Feb, I completed my first ever half marathon when I took part in the Richmond half. Luckily all the rain that had fallen overnight stopped when the race started and the sun shone (although I really did not enjoy the warmer run). I managed finish the run under the 3 hour cut off time and I didn't finish last. Great result for my first official race, and I got a lovely medal too!

Can't quite believe it myself!

Friday 9th Feb

11 miles in the bag

Friday 9th Feb
Last weekend I completed my longest run to date, and wearing new trainers too. I really am bonkers! Feet held out pretty well for 10 miles and felt a little uncomfortable towards the end. Never run along the river before but will be back again this weekend for another 9 miles 

Half marathon booked

Friday 9th Feb
First official run!! 😱

I ran 9 miles!!

Friday 26th Jan
Last weekend it was a 9 miler on the cards. Windy afternoon but set out on the run and felt okay. Went a new route which had more hills and elevation to it. Battled the wind and rain and made it through, legs felt okay but right foot was really swollen. Have bought some compression socks now for this week's run. Can't believe I did 9 miles

2 x 10kms completed now!

Friday 12th Jan
Been a few weeks since I updated everyone, training has stepped up a bit with 4 runs a week now with the long runs on Sunday. Don't know how I managed my first 10km but it wasn't too bad and have now completed two! Think I prefer the longer runs as it takes a few kms for my legs to warm up and get into it. Longest run coming up this weekend with 12km and will be booking onto a half marathon for the end of February!

Longest run to date - 5 miles done!

Thursday 21st Dec
18 weeks to go and the runs are increasing with 4 a week and gradually longer

First 5km run done

Sunday 19th Nov
Today was the first 5km run of the training plan. Went at a slow, steady pace and did not feel too bad after. Realised that I should be on week 2 and not 4 of the training plan so have two extra weeks for more running practice

I'm running my first ever marathon as part of #TeamStroke

Saturday 28th Oct
The challenge of undertaking a marathon has always been on my list of things to do. As someone who's not a natural runner, 26.2 miles is daunting to say the least. After successfully securing a ballot place (don't hate me but I am one of those jammy people who is lucky on their first attempt!), it was time to choose a charity to raise money for. Strokes have affected family members of my closest friends and a close friend of our own family so naturally I became #TeamStroke. 

There are over 1.3 million stroke survivors in the UK, with 100,000 strokes happening in the UK each year. That's one stroke every five minutes.

The Stroke Association are here to support people to rebuild their lives after stroke. They believe everyone deserves to live the best life they can after stroke, so work with the stroke community to make sure people affected by stroke get the very best care and support. They rely on support to provide vital services, campaign for better stroke care and fund research into preventative and rehabilitative treatments. 

Hopefully I can raise plenty of money for this amazing charity. We will all have known a colleague, friend or family member who has been affected by stroke in some way.

Thank you to my sponsors


Charity Quiz Night


Thu Huong La


Nova, Arlo, Hanh And Tariq

We'll come and cheer you on! Love Nova, Arlo, Hanh and Tariq


Linh La

You've got this!


Dee & Damian

Good luck!


Raj Xx

H ...I am sure you are gonna be fab...see you at the pub after to celebrate for sure Well done


Farrah J

Fantastic cause, let's get you closer to your goal 👊🏽 Run like the wind, girl!!


The Pollacks

Such an amazing challenge to set yourself & for a cause close to our hearts! We are very proud of you! You can do it. Lots of love Rachel, Charlotte & Sandra


Richard Garratt

Huong, massive congratulations on your achievement for a great cause. I’m so impressed!


Jennifer Huggett


Jay Bhandal

Great cause and best of luck!


£250 Below From Mike Muldoon And £74 From Raffle


Kev & Sharon Peel

Thankyou Huong, such a worthy cause. Good Luck, you can do this. XX


Lauren, Nick And Teddy Gillison

Good luck Huong, you are going to smash it!!




Padawan, Maria And Gautam

Good luck H! Archie must be so proud of his brilliant mama! Hope you have fun today and an amazing new experience.


Huong La


Henry Bress

Well done Huong!!!


Francis Barber


Jake Martin

Very best of luck, Huong



I'm so proud of you Huongy, thank you for running for The Stroke Association! They couldn't have a better ambassador and I couldn't have a better bestie! 💗 Xxx






Jamie Peel

We wish you all the best Huong, thank you .


Greg Fowles

Best of luck H.


Coleen Green


Mike Baldwin

Well done, great progress to date, role on the big day, I'll be right behind you, in spirit if not in person. Regards Mike


Hoang La

Good luck cuz


Jack Clark

Good luck H!


Caroline Lock

Go Huong, wishing you the best of luck and enjoy ! Caroline


Sharon Reid

Hey Huong, you go Girl!!!!



Good luck H!


Ian Newth

The very best of luck, H



All the best H!


Fiona Giles

Well done, impressive work xx



Good luck Huong!! Xx




Leah De'ath

Good luck Huong xx


Stephanie Peel

Well done Huong! Massively worthy cause!! Xx


Sarah Fitzgerald


Philip Roberts


Paddy Lindley

Great effort Huong!!


Liz Beazley

Huong well done what a great achievement x


James Obrien

Don't try to win it Huong, let the others have a chance



Good Luck Huong!see you at the finishing line X


Neil Robbie

All the best H. Enjoy the day.


Nordean Morgan


Zoe Hanson


Sam Harris

You've got this! Great cause and awesome work. Well done xx


Jade Brown

Good luck Huong! You got this!!!! What a wonderful charity to be supporting that means an awful lot to our very special mutual friend and her family!!! ❤️🏃🏽‍♀️


Caren Higgins

Good luck today 🏃🏻‍♀️‍➡️🏃🏻‍♀️‍➡️


Amy Green

Go get em!


Fiona Pollitt

Great perseverance for something that will help childhood stroke victims.


Louise Keable

Good luck Ms La! A fantastic cause close to our hearts. x



Proud of you H, you'll smash it x


Kelly Bicknell

Good Luck H!!!! :-)


Connor Read


Paul Ballantyne

Good Luck H !!


Simon Earnshaw

The very best of luck H



GO H GO Good luck & have fun along the way Xxxx


Neil Taylor

Excellent work H!!


Anna Valentine



Good luck from some fellow La's x





Go Huong, the MDX crew are behind you




Lesley M

Good luck H - I'm sure you'll smash it!


Rachael Orchard

Amazing Huongi! Well done! Lots of love from all of us Orchards. Xxx


Kate Grimwood

Good luck!


Gareth Fisher

Well done on running the Marathon for such a great cause H


Janine Eddleston

Good luck H