hector Hickmott

TCS London Marathon 2024

I'm taking part in the TCS London Marathon as part of #TeamStroke

I joined #TeamStroke for the TCS London Marathon 2024.

There are over 1.3 million stroke survivors in the UK, with 100,000 strokes happening in the UK each year. That's one stroke every five minutes.

We're here to support people to rebuild their lives after stroke. We believe everyone deserves to live the best life they can after stroke, so we work with the stroke community to make sure people affected by stroke get the very best care and support. We rely on your support to provide vital services, campaign for better stroke care and fund research into preventative and rehabilitative treatments.

My Achievements

Fundraising page set up

Added a profile pic

Made a donation

Shared your page

Hit first milestone

Hit second milestone

Reached 50% of target

Hit final milestone

Reached fundraising target

My updates

London Marathon for Stroke Association

Wednesday 19th Jul
Really looking to raise as much money as possible for this incredible charity. Makes a huge difference to peoples lives.

Please donate generously ! :)

Thank you to my sponsors


Hso Enterprise .


Charity Coffee Morning


Mum And Dad

Good luck love Mum and Dad


George M.

Good luck Hector!


Hector Hickmott


Craig Starbuck

Good luck Hec...see you at the weekend for some final preparations


Shin Splint Wobbler

Good luck, don't get shit faced the night before ;)


Matt Birtwistle


Mac Macdonald

Manage that pace and have a really great run 👍


Kelvin C

Best of luck Sir Hickmott!


Lara & Jim Fascione

Good luck you crazy dude! Hope the training goes well.


Julian Beck

Go for it Hector!


Paul Lucas


Hector Hickmott


Steve Barker

Good Luck…. Go smash it!


Alys Ferrari

Good Luck Hector


The Crowe Family

Good luck Hector! Enjoy every moment. You’ll smash it 💪 👊


Jaqui Hoyle

Always happy to apply some pressure Hector!! Get running ;o) and all the best!


Andy Clough


Dave Johnson

Go smash it, Hector !


Spencer Lamb

Good luck Hector hope your Marathon running is better than your selfies!


Alex Clark

Best of luck Hector!


Caroline Cained

Good Luck !!




Dean J

Good luck again this year mate.


Kevin Moore

Good luck mate, sounds tough but I've no doubt you will smash it!


Nicola Hannay

You're going to smash it this time. Good luck with the training


Sofia Luxton

Good luck! Get training💪


Barry Mckendrick

Well done Hector!! I hear you came in with a pretty good time.



Because my family know first hand the devastation that a stroke can bring, but also the hope and care that such a wonderful charity as this can provide. Well done Hector for completing the Marathon a 2nd time - you must be mad, but also inspiring! :-)



Good luck :-)


Denise Doyle

Good luck!


Jaqui Hoyle

Get running!! It’s such a good cause 👍 well done for putting yourself through this again


Leigh & Sam Cummings

Good luck buster!



Good luck with the training Hector - the marathon will be the icing on the cake! My family knows only too well the devastation a stroke can have on your loved ones, and so we all wish you well!


Phil Corby

Good luck Hector!


David Little


Zona Smith

Get a negroni on the way round. It’ll help… Good luck!




Paul Lucas


Mark Dunning

I hope the training with me on Tuesday night will not damage your time too much. Good luck, I am sure you will smash it.


Rik Hickmott

You got this Bruv! 🙌🏻


Darren Jumnoodoo

Good Luck Hector!


Beth Forber

Good luck Hector! You’ll smash it


Steve P


Nina Kavtaradze

Firestarter in headphones=)


Mark Carey



Run old man run! 😉


Talita Rowland

Good luck break a leg!! Love the Rowlands


Jamie Genge


Vanessa & Glenn Lamb

Good luck Hec you will smash it. Love Glenn, Vanessa & Ollie xx


Sophie Sullivan

Godspeed Hector! From Sophie & John (Glenda's friends)


Angela Ruiz

Good luck Hector! You got this!!


Kristina Kalpokaite

If it was easy, everyone would do it. Go get that medal, Hector!


Garry Jones

All the very best Hector, an another amazing feat I'm sure!


Paul Houghton

Good Luck Hector!


Reece Wallace

Good luck Hector!


Brian Henry

Good Luck mate !!



Good luck x


Beckie Bennett

Good luck 👍


Michelle Bee

Go Hector! Best of luck running for a great cause.


Mr Mark Harris


Ben Coleman

Good luck Hector!


Jacky Duggan


Matt Simpson

Great work Hector!



Good luck Hector, it's close to me.


Claire Ford

Good luck Hector!


Luc Logan

May the power of project services guide you to the finish line!


Ellen Bowes





Siobhan Devall

Well done Hector!


Karen Fletcher

All the best Hector! Well done for running again


Andrew And Julie Woods

Good luck for the marathon


Lyndsay Doubell

Good Luck Hector!!


Tracy Tomlinso

Good luck Hector, you'll smash it!


Shannon Gibbs

Good luck Hector :)


Laura And Molly

Good luck!!


Michele Miskelly

Go and smash it!!!



Great cause Hector. Goodluck


Rebecca Fox

Goodluck !


Clare Stainer

Good luck