Hayley Parker

TCS London Marathon 2024

I'm taking part in the TCS London Marathon as part of #TeamStroke

I joined #TeamStroke for the TCS London Marathon 2024.

There are over 1.3 million stroke survivors in the UK, with 100,000 strokes happening in the UK each year. That's one stroke every five minutes.

We're here to support people to rebuild their lives after stroke. We believe everyone deserves to live the best life they can after stroke, so we work with the stroke community to make sure people affected by stroke get the very best care and support. We rely on your support to provide vital services, campaign for better stroke care and fund research into preventative and rehabilitative treatments.

My Achievements

Fundraising page set up

Added a profile pic

Made a donation

Shared your page

Hit first milestone

Hit second milestone

Reached 50% of target

Hit final milestone

Reached fundraising target

My updates

Why I'm Completing the London Marathon

Friday 1st Sep
In February of this year the day I had been dreading my whole life happened. My Grandad and my hero, passed away very suddenly from a hemorrhagic stroke. I was and still am absolutely devastated and heartbroken. I miss him every single day and writing this is a struggle.

All of his life my grandad was very fit and active. He owned his own gyms, competed in Iron Man's, rode from John O Groats to Lands End on more than one occasion and completed so many marathons we lost count. He was there for the very first London marathon and did every one since then until his knees gave out. He had many many medals on his wall that he was so proud of.

I've always tried to follow his advice and his example in all aspects of life but with regards to my health I keep fit, weight lift in the gym and go for a run a couple of times a week. However, I've never run more than about 10km and although running a marathon was not something I ever really wanted to do I now regret not running one with Grandad.

Now he has gone I want to run the next London Marathon in his memory and for the Stroke Association. It will be a challenge but means so much to me. I now have a couple of his medals on my wall and can't wait to display the London Marathon 2024 medal with his!

Thank you to my sponsors


Genetic Tox Charity Quiz


Jay Bibby

He'd be so chuffed you were running and raising money. Hope you smash it. X


Remaining Raffle Ticket Money


Halloween Bake Sale And Extra Donations


Initial Raffle Ticket Sales


Dad And Diane


Christmas Bake Sale


40th Birthday Party Donations


The Mccann's

From Alice, Tom & Freddie


Dave And Liz


Football Card Number 3


Loyal Vacation Masonic Lodge Wiveliscombe


Uncle Geoffrey




Pannal Ash U10’s

Scratch card


Robert Hunter

In memory of Bob and in appreciation of your fantastic run. He would be so proud of you.


Mark Harrison

Love Mark & Philip x


Jessie And Barry X


Sarah Hocquigny

You'll smash this! Good luck!


Football Card Number 1


Jackie Page

Grandad would be well chuffed H xx


Guess My Time


Extra Biscuit Sales


Victoria Houghton




Nicola Crane

Good luck H x




Laura Stirling


Kayleigh Roebuck

Good luck. Love Kayleigh and Abigail xx


Tracey Lovell

You can do this H, your Grandad will be with you every step of the way ❤️❤️❤️ xx


Victoria & James White

Good luck Hayley , we are proud of you. Xx


Wendy G

Well done Hayley x


Joe And Megan


Debbie Farr




Romalie Allen


Debbie King


Christopher Grzebisz

Best of luck Hayley.


Darren Kidd


Claire Hewett-curl



Great cause Hayley, good luck in the marathon! The Halloween biscuits were so nice :)


Kate A

Good luck!


Hayley Parker


Sarah Hocquigny


Charlie Spurrier

Best of luck!


Harry Bridges

Beautiful biscuits and a wonderful cause! Best of luck