Frances Thomas

TCS London Marathon 2024

I'm delighted that I’ll be taking part in the TCS London Marathon as part of #TeamStroke

I joined #TeamStroke for the TCS London Marathon 2024 as both my mum and my brother suffered devastating strokes. I am running in memory of both of them (although, had she been here, my mum would have told me that I was mad!) and, at the same time helping to raise funds so that the many surviving stroke sufferers and their families can hopefully receive the support that they need. 

I always said that I would only ever seek sponsorship for something that was really going to challenge me - well, this is it - the 2024 London Marathon!

The furthest distance that I have ever run is 16 miles - ONCE and that was 2 years ago! I ran that distance with some running club buddies who were in training for marathons in 2022 and all will testify that 16 miles pushed me to the absolute limit! There was no way I could have run even 100 yards more! Dehydration and exhaustion transformed me into a petulant child! They never asked me to run with them again! 😁

I’ve been blighted with injuries since last summer  - firstly a ruptured tendon in my left ankle and then simultaneously, Achilles tendinitis in my right ankle (I won’t mention the knee and bunion problem too!🥴). As such, it’s been frustrating not being able to run the distance and pace that I would normally do and which I needed to do to properly get my training don. Recvery post-run is also challenging! I’m taking every supplement going and am positively rattling! 😁 However, despite these aches and pains, I have been sticking to the training plan and have been increasing the distance cumulatively week on week! I am living for the day when I finally start tapering and the long runs get shorter! 🙏🏻😂

I and the Stroke Association 💜 would be so grateful for your donation - whatever amount you feel able to give. I, in return, will endeavour to keep training, rubbing in the deep heat and applying ice packs to ensure that I am able to run my 61.5 year old legs off in order to finish the race on Sunday 21st April. 

Once I have my race number, I’ll post it on here so you can all (if you choose), follow me in my tortuous 26.2 mile 🏃🏼‍♀️ journey 😩😁

Thank you to all those of you that have sponsored me so far, I really am very grateful 🙏🏻.

Fran 💜x 

My Achievements

Fundraising page set up

Added a profile pic

Made a donation

Shared your page

Hit first milestone

Hit second milestone

Reached 50% of target

Hit final milestone

Reached fundraising target

My updates

LM24 #running4Stroke💜 #run0 #nerves💯😬😄

Friday 19th Apr
Well, we arrived in the big city yesterday, dropped our bags in a trusty Premier Inn and headed to the Expo to collect my number and T-shirt. 

Navigating tubes and trains is not my forte and that’s why we always end up walking miles on our city breaks! ☺️

Great experience at the Expo and a wander around the various retailers, nutrition stands and charity stands. Trying to find my name on a wall of c50k runners names was no mean feat but I wasn’t leaving until I did! I’m only doing this once so I’m maxing out the experience! 😂

Short stroll around Canning Town and then we headed back to the hotel. Some last minute carb supplies in a good old Tesco Express, a nice high protein dinner and a relatively (for me!) early night.  I have to confess to a glass of Prosecco with dinner and, not having drunk since Christmas, it hit me hard! 😵‍💫😆 No more until after the race now! 

Nytol and ear plugs guaranteed a reasonable nights sleep and a Premier Inn, does what it says in the ads, and provided a good bed 😴👍🏻

Awaiting the arrival of my sister and BIL around lunchtime and we’re all set for a bit of a walking tour of London and ABBA Voyager tonight. The good news is that we’ll be guided around the tubes by someone much more knowledgable than us now too! 🙌🏻 #hicksfromthesticks!🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

You may have noticed the absence of any #runs this week but with my dodgy Achilles and knee, I’m sticking to walking until Sunday.  The absolute truth is that I don’t want to experience them kicking off again  before I get to that start line on Sunday (and I’ve built up three days of ccodamol beforehand!) 🙈😄

Maybe a short report tomorrow but I’ll be back with a post-run on Sunday (maybe on the train back on Monday! 🥴) 🙋🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️💜

Thank you to all of my sponsors this week 🙏🏻💜x 

LM24 #running4Stroke💜 #penultimateweek #mixed bag

Sunday 14th Apr
Well, this is it, the final countdown! 😬

A mixed bag of training this week. Achilles and knee still playing up. Back to the physio last Tuesday for more shockwave - I’ve most definitely funded one or more of his family ski trips this winter! 😂

No running during the week in order to try and reduce the inflammation but, I promise that I didn't sit on my laurels! Tuesday was my first experience of a cross trainer (that worked up a sweat! 🥵) and Friday was 50 mins of torture on the exercise bike. I can still feel the imprint of that seat, 2 days on! 😳😂

Umm’d and ahhh’d about running the 8 miles as per the plan today but then decided to give it a go, but a much steadier pace.  It was actually a lovely sunny day (I even ventured into capris!) 😎 and I road tested another pair of Asics. Unfortunately, they too are sadly going back! I think I’ll be running barefoot at this rate! 🙄
Whilst pretty uncomfortable (knee and Achilles), the co-codamol made it a little bit more manageable and, the good news is, that I didn't see any flying pigs or psychedelic auras and managed to run in pretty much a straight line! 🤪
However, saying that, when we got back to the leisure centre after our run, I did see Daleks, Chewbacca, Superman and goodness knows what else! Fortunately, it wasn’t a reaction to the tablets, it was just the annual Comic Con event! 👾🤡🤠🦸‍♂️🦹🏼‍♀️🧝🏻‍♀️🙂‍↔️🙃

It was good to have running buddy No.3 back today too 🙌🏻 - the holiday has definitely helped her running form! 💪🏻🚀

Not quite sure if I that’s the running over for now and I’ll  rest up until ‘the big day’, we’ll see how it goes! I’ll keep you posted as I know that you won’t be able to sleep until I do! 😏😉😁😳

Back to the physio tomorrow for more waves that shock  - no point in stopping now. Pump up the volume and throw everything at it!  🫨👊🏻

Thank you to all this week’s new sponsors 💜

I hope you all have a great week - we may even get a couple of dry days! 🙏🏻💜x 

LM24 Training #running4Stroke #week15 #run 1(5 miles) and #run2 (13.1 miles) combined!

Sunday 7th Apr
Well, slightly tardy this week and forgot to upload my Tuesday #week15 #run1 😳. 

Tuesday was, as always, wet! 💦However, on a plus side, it was only 5 miles as we are now tapering in the lead up to ‘the big event’. 
We all started out together, but ‘the fast boys’ were, well, faster than us (well, me anyway!) and soon disappeared into the distance 😁

Just the two of us running together on Tuesday as our 3rd running buddy was still enjoying tropical rainforests,  coffee and chocolate  plantations! 😎 Wel jel! 

Despite only being 5 miles, it may as well have been 15. Legs were heavy and feeling pretty tired, despite not having run for 3 days. However, I suspect that might have been down to 1.5 hours in the LC2 soft play area with 2 x 7 year olds and 2 x 3 year olds! I even got a royal rollicking off a 5 year old (not with me!) for going the wrong way up the slide! 😳 I’m definitely old enough to know better but also old enough not to care! 😜

Despite managing to avoid the lurgy since training started in December, I succumbed to a cold 🤧 on Weds which put paid to my planned short and steady run on Friday. Still, better, now than next week or worse, the week after! 😬 Night Nurse has been my saviour! 😵‍💫😂

#week15 #run2 - today! 13 miles - half marathon distance. 
Whilst regular runner No.3 was still not back from hols, we had a very welcome guest appearance from a fellow female club runner and seasoned marathon runner. 

As is now par for the course, the heavens opened as soon as we stepped outside to start our run and the wind was pretty unforgiving! After a really wild weather night, Storm Kathleen wasn’t giving up and moving on! 🌪️
Keeping inland as much as possible, we zig-zagged our way through the city centre, braving the seafront for the shortest possible distance. However, when we did, it was pretty bracing! 

After about 6 miles, the rain stopped and, from memory (in my defence, it was a few hours ago!), the sun made a fleeting appearance! 

Nice chatty run on the way out with lots of insider tips and advice from ‘our Jul’ who has run the  London Marathon previously. 

However, the effects of my cough/ cold got me on the return leg and, despite having run this pace (and faster) in previous half marathons and longer training runs, I found the pace pretty punishing today🥴. 10 miles in and my chatter had pretty much ceased (maybe that was their tactic all along! 😏😉) and I just wanted it done!  We finished the distance (13.1 miles) in a decent time, but I honestly couldn’t have run another mile let alone that same distance all over again! This did make me slightly nervous! 

However, a coffee, chat and then a warm shower sort of put things back into perspective apart from a very unhappy knee and an angry Achilles. The hamstring is just a perennial miserable git and not worth mentioning (but I have anyway!😜).

I’ll definitely be dropping the pace back in next week’s (this week’s?) runs, otherwise I know that I won’t be in any shape to be on that start line in 2 weeks. I follow a number of LM FB groups and can see from the posts, that this training fatigue, at this stage, is not uncommon. Perversely reassuring in a way! 😊

Back to the physio tomorrow! 🙄🤑 Anyone got a part time job for me? 😁

As always, a big thank you to everyone who has donated to my charity 💜.  This is honestly, the thing that is currently keeping me going. 

Chin up, positive pants on and tomorrow is a new day! 

Have a great week everyone! 🙋🏼‍♀️💜x 

LM24 Training #running4Stroke💜 #week14 #run2 - 22 miles! Last long run!

Friday 29th Mar
Hallelujah! 🥳

Goodbye long runs and a huge hello! to a very welcome tapering period! 🙌🏻👊🏻

After the last two long runs, I was absolutely dreading today’s run. Brought forward from Sunday to today (family meal on Easter Sunday), it took me 40 minutes to finally leave the house!🙄 I changed my running shoes 3 times; double checked the contents of my hydration vest twice; visited the loo several times and put my waterproof jacket on and off more times than I can remember! Yep, I was really keen to go! 👎🏻

I’ve been really lucky throughout my training in that I’ve had company on every run. However, with one of the crew on holiday and the other carrying an injury, I was forced into running the first stage all by myself 😫😏. 

After 6 miles of solitude and even welcoming the adverts on Spotify (it’s not worth me paying for the premium package as I hardly use my earphones) , I was joined by crew member number 2 for the remaining 16 miles. Grateful muchly! 🙏🏻 

Today was a real mix of weather; sun, drizzle, sun, rain, hail, more rain and then sun for the final mile! 

It definitely was a run of two halves today with the reasonable first 10 miles making up for a challenging (and pretty dismal!) final 12 miles. The paracetamol and codeine were much in evidence today but they definitely got me to the end - albeit on a run/ walk basis for the last 3/4 miles. A good start but poor finish = an ok average! I’ll take that! 😂

Incredibly grateful 🙌🏻to Mike  for his support today especially as he too has never run these distances before AND he’s not even entered a marathon! 🤪 I would never have done this distance on my own - 6 miles was bad enough! 

Anyway, that’s the long distances done for now 🎉 and it’s ’just’ a half marathon next weekend with less in the days leading up to ‘the big day’. Time to give the joints, muscles and ligaments a bit of a reprieve and some much needed recovery time! 

Have a great Easter weekend everyone - ‘see’ you again on Tuesday. 

Thank you to all this week’s sponsors! 💜x  

LM24 Training #running4Stroke 💜#week14 #run1 - 6 midweek miles

Tuesday 26th Mar
Well, as has pretty much been par for the course so far, our Tuesday run started as a wet one! A lovely warm and dry early afternoon turned into a warm and wet early evening,  just as we stepped outside to start our run 🙄🤪

Really grateful for the fact that tonight was just a 6 mile run which was a flat out and back along the Prom. As the rain cleared, there was a cracking sunset over the Bay but I forgot to take a photo! 🙈

Very sensitive knee and Achilles tonight - probably because they both know that there’s a 22 mile run looming on Friday! Currently have both injures slathered in CBD cream - the legal stuff! However, if this doesn’t sort itself out I’ll be resorting to anything that numbs the pain and gets me across that finish line! 😵‍💫

Solo female running tonight, having lost one of our crew to far more exotic places! 😎🏝️

It was good to be able to start off with the ‘fast boys’ tonight and we even managed to stay together for almost a whole mile before they became a blur in the distance. Another guest runner for part of our route - an Ironman no less! However, he was committed to a longer run tonight and sadly didn’t make the team photo at the end 🙃. 
Thanks to Simon Treharne for the post-run Teisen Lap!👌🏻 I took mine home intending to have it after my meal but it only survived to the 2nd set of traffic lights on the journey home! 😋😂

CBD cream seems to be working a little bit of magic so off to count multi coloured sheep soon! 😵‍💫

No more running until Good Friday (not sure what’s going to be ‘good’ about it! 😩). Will report back afterwards as per but don’t expect anything positive - you have been warned! 😉😂

Have a great rest of the week 🙋🏼‍♀️

Thanks for reading and thank you to those who have sponsored me this week and to date! 💜x  

LM24 #running4Stroke💜 #week13 #run2 - 21 miles! 😖

Saturday 23rd Mar
Penultimate long run 🥳

21 miles! Is there no end to this madness! 🫣

Sunday’s long run was moved to today (Saturday) as we have a running Club event tomorrow. Today’s itinerary, in emoji’s, was as follows; 
6am - breakfast 😴
8am - run starts 😀
0-8 miles ok 🙃
9-12 miles - knee, hamstring and ankle start playing up 😫
13-15 miles - 😣
16-21 miles - 😖
Reasonable time overall but with the last 3 miles run/walk again! 😳
And, the best news? There’s yet another 5 miles to go on race day! 😱 Jeez! 

On a more positive note, we had a guest runner today when we were joined by one of ‘the fast boys’ who fancied our more sedate pace for the 21 miles! However, apart from enjoying a complete stop for gel taking (‘the fast boys’ take it on the hoof! 👊🏻), I’m not sure he’d think about joining us again 😂🐌

Usual blisters and chafing but that’s old news now - even I’m bored with it!🥱 🤪🤣. 

Rest days until Tuesday’s run now 🙏🏻- although the grandchildren will no doubt keep us on our toes for 2 days during half term next week 😊.

Thank you to this week’s sponsors 💜 and also to everyone for their very welcome words of wisdom and support.
As always, mega thanks too,  to Mike and Sophie for being great running buddies 🙌🏻👏🏻

Ps well done to all of the marathon training crew (aka ‘the fast boys 😉😀) you’re all doing absolutely amazing 💪🏻👊🏻

Have a great week everyone! 🙋🏼‍♀️x 

LM24 Training #running4Stroke #week13 #run1 - midweek 6 miler

Tuesday 19th Mar
Tuesday run - 6 miles. 

On the plus side, it was still light and we made it back before the rain started! 🙌🏻 Legs still in recovery after Sunday’s 20 mile epic  but at least it’s done! 

Man down in our trio training squad tonight as one had to work late, but, in fairness, he arrived in time to take the post-run photo! 

Nice to be able to be able to catch up with the ‘fast boys’ training crew tonight and share chafing solutions over coffee! At this stage in our training, no topic is off the table! 😳😂

I won’t bore you with the aches and pains but will save that until the next long run (21 miles) at the weekend! 😂 

Thank you to this week’s sponsors 🙏🏻💜x 

LM24 #runningforStroke💜 #week12 #run2 - 20 miles! 😫

Sunday 17th Mar
Well, I’m baaaaack! 

Here’s your weekly Sunday moan! I mean, if I can’t moan to you lot, who can I moan to! 🤷🏼‍♀️ Derek (my husband for the uninitiated) just closes down when I mention the word running! 😂

Anyway, as always, another weekly long run, another extra mile. If anyone ever says that it gets easier, I promise that I will shoot them. Well, a bit radical I know but I will subject them to a photo of every blister and EVERY chaffed area on my body! That will be enough to put anyone off food for life! 😏😜

Warm but drizzly starting off but I was kitted up today. No running belt for me, it was time to get serious - the hydration vest was out! Dum, dum, dum! 😮 After last week’s unwelcome stitch, I was fully loaded - 1 litre of electrolyte drink, energy gels, dates, bloc energy chews, caffeine strips, extra paracetamol, plasters and my waterproof! I wasn’t taking any chances! I may as well have run with a weighted vest! 😂

A nice run up the river and canal path to Pontardawe park with a slight deviation on the way back as we couldn’t  face wading through puddles (that were more like ponds! 🙄) all over again. 

At 16 miles everything kicked in - unfortunately, that didn’t mean the energy gels, electrolytes, caffeine and extra paracetamol  but the Achilles, knee, hamstring and quads! 😳🤦🏼‍♀️. 

We were like the running/ walking wounded trio! 😫Sophie’s hip was troubling her but to be fair, she managed to power on whilst Mike and I limped back to home base, trying desperately not to look at the very slowly decreasing mileage on our watches 😬. So much for a paracetamol top up at 16 miles - next week I’m going for horse painkillers! 😏

However, limping aside, we made it and now don’t have to don our running shoes for ONE whole day! Big whoppee! 🥳🙄

Having had an Epsom salts bath, pizza and nightly Calippo (orange, in case you’re interested! 🙃), I will shortly be hitting the hay (you know how young you are if that phrase means nothing to you!🤣) as I have a 6am alarm for the gym at 7. It’ll be yet another “take it easy Fran, just get some blood flowing in your legs” type session no doubt! But hey, Les hope that blood flows! 

Thanks to all this week’s sponsors and, and as always, all of my sponsors to date 🙏🏻💜. 

Have a good week everyone - I’ll be back on Tuesday! I bet you won’t be able to sleep for waiting! 😂 🙋🏼‍♀️💜x 

LM Training #runningforStroke💜 #week12 #run1 - 💧💨6.5 midweek miles

Tuesday 12th Mar
Thought about skipping this run tonight and waiting a few days to rest my legs. However, that would have meant running on my own which I hate - irrespective of the fact that it was only 6 miles!  It was a choice of the worst of two evils! 🤦🏼‍♀️

Back to our normal training weather of wind and rain tonight 🙄. Battling the full force of the headwind on the Prom for the first two miles  was tough but at least we had it behind us on the way back 🙌🏻. 

Short midweek run and now time to fully rest the legs before Sunday’s 20 miler - 4 whole days with no running 🥳

The ‘fast boys’ did the same route tonight and became the ‘super fast boys’! 😮😉 Thanks to Simon for the reward of the home made banana and chocolate chip cake - I didn't have any but it smelt and looked 👌🏻 😂. 

Hope you’re all having a great week so far - I’ll be back at the weekend 🙋🏼‍♀️💜

LM24 #runningforStroke💜 #week11 #run2 - 19 miles! The worst run to date! 😣☹️

Sunday 10th Mar
I am so glad that’s over. 

TBH if I wasn’t running to raise funds for charity, I’d have definitely thrown in the towel after today! 😫

I’ll keep this brief so as not to depress you all too so here’s  the run in summary; 
0- 9miles - all going ok
9-12 miles - things are starting to hurt
12-15 miles - more things are hurting 
15-19 miles - full on stitch and everything hurt 

Today was horrendous and I felt like a had a body that was in two distinct parts. From the waist up I was doing well -  including my cardio. From the waist down, I was completely wrecked! Add in the stitch and this was definitely the worst run to date 😱. 

We all limped in at different times today so no group photo. 

Thank goodness Tuesday is a shorter run and hopefully I’ll be hurting less and have a bit more of a PMA by then. 

Sorry for the less than effusive post today but you can’t win them all I guess! 🤷🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️💜

LM24 Training #runforStroke💜 #week11 #run1 and…

Tuesday 5th Mar
Well, what a difference in our #run1 - midweek short run this week. It was sunny; the run was in daylight; it wasn’t raining and…it was only 6 miles! 😎☀️🥳🙌🏻

The midweek short runs are starting to decrease, whilst the weekend long runs continue to increase by a mile each week. This Sunday’s run being 19 miles - I’m wetting myself with excitement! 🙄😂

You’ll be pleased to know that a shorter run tonight means a shorter blog! 👍🏻😁

Nothing new to report - my quads still felt like they were filled with lead and were going to snap;  great company from my running buddies Sophie and Mike;  the ‘fast boys’, although depleted in number, were still fast; my feet are still blistered! 

HOWEVER, on a positive note, only 6 miles meant that my Achilles wasn’t on fire by the end of the run and there was no new chafing 😊. As it didn’t rain, none of us felt a desperate need to dash for a hot shower and dry clothes and we enjoyed a civilised coffee (thank you Simon Thomas!) and a nice chat about…runnng! 🤪

Pair 3/4 new Brooks running shoes road tested and failed. Thank goodness for a free 90 day trial and an extended Klarna payment period!👌🏻😄. 

Right, have a great week everyone and see you all on Sunday. Did I mention I was going to be running 19 miles? 🤔😏🤣💜x

LM24 Training #runningforStroke💜 #week10 #run2 - 18 miles! 😖

Sunday 3rd Mar
Another Sunday, another long run with another mile added on! 

It wasn’t the best of starts as my pre-run day didn’t go quite as planned. Our flight back was delayed resulting in me doing a quick unpack and then demolishing a bowl of homemade (😬) pasta 🍝at 10pm. A restless night (probably from the late meal and the cheese loading!) and a 6am rise this morning (pre-run fuelling) along with jelly legs (after a week of skiing), was not the best of starts! 

Ok whingeing aside, having de-iced my car,  I arrived at the leisure centre as agreed, on time, and ready (not raring!) to go. 
The first 3 miles were more like running on an ice rink ❄️⛸️❄️ - the path we were running on was quite shady and therefore still really icy at that time of the day. 

However, on an extremely positive note, it wasn’t raining! Hallelujah! 🙌🏻 Yessssss! 

In fact, the sun was shining, and it really was a lovely route along the canal path to the north of Swansea. The ducks were diving, the canal was glistening (well, maybe a touch of editorial licence there!), the cyclists were cycling, the runners were running, the walkers were walking and the dogs 🐕 were tripping us all up! 😂

The long runs, as well as getting the mileage in, in readiness for ‘the big day’ are all about trying out a whole raft of other mind-blowing things before  ‘the big day’ - energy gels, fluids, snacks, running shoes, socks, underwear, plasters, anti-chafing creams…the list is endless! It’s a huge industry and I’m totally sucked in! 

Well, just as well these trials take place, as today was an epic fail for me! 😬 I think my combination of different energy gels, caffeine electrolyte drink and dates went south - literally! 😳

Mile 18 was actually my fastest mile and I virtually sprinted (yeah, I know, all things are relative 😏) back to the leisure centre, giving  a quick wave to the ‘fast boys’ (who were already back and enjoying a coffee), through the turnstiles and straight to the loos! 🤪. An embarrassing situation averted, I limped back to the coffee area with one blistered foot and my armpits bleeding from where my sports bra had rubbed. Back to square 1 for next week! 🧋🍌🩹👟🧴😂

Thanks once again to my two running buddies for their company - despite me abandoning them at Mile 17! 😊 Needs must! 🫣
We actually managed to get a photo of the bigger marathon group this week - including most of the ‘fast boys’ 🚀😉

Well, that’s week 11 done ✅ Bring on week 11! 🙄😁

Thanks for reading and thanks as always for all of your donations - the reason why I’m doing this 💜. I hope you can see that I’m grafting and not shirking! 🙏🏻👊🏻

See you next week! 🙋🏼‍♀️x


LM24 Training #runningforStroke💜 #week10 #run1 - solo dreadmill run in the Alps

Friday 1st Mar
Having brought last Sunday’s 17 miler forward to the Friday, I had thought I’d have a week off and do some downhill runs on the slopes instead ⛷️.
However, on our penultimate day, guilt got to me and I did a pre-breakfast slog on the dreadmill 😱. I couldn’t get the screen on the wall to work at first and when I finally managed to get something, it was all in German! My O’level Deutsch has its limits! 
With no one else in the gym, it was 7 looong treadmill miles with only the counter to watch as the kilometres (I still work in ‘miles’ 😁), slowly built up. I counted every wall tile, the cumulative weight of the kettle bells and dumb bells and the weightlifting plates 🥱😵‍💫. Finally, I’d reached my target and despite the air conditioning, I staggered off the treadmill, a sweaty mess with legs like jelly! I blame the altitude! 🗻❄️. 

Guilt assuaged, breakfast beckoned 🍉🍌🍇🍓🍏🥭🫐🥝☕️

Home tomorrow and 18 miles on Sunday. I can’t wait!😳 Pasta and an early night on Saturday methinks!  🍝😴💜

LM24 #runningforStroke💜 #week9 #run2 - soggy 17 miler! 💦💦

Friday 23rd Feb
Well that’s #week9 of training completed. 40 miles Sunday to Friday! I’m 2 inches shorter! 
Had to bring my Sunday long run forward to today and my running buddy brought hers forward too, in order to keep me company. Sophie, I am eternally grateful! 🙏🏻

Rain was forecast. No surprise there! However, it was monsoon level at times (for most of the 17 miles!🙄)  and to top it off nicely, we were hit with a massive hailstorm around mile 14! That just about capped it! Already soaked to the skin, we then had a facial dermabrasion from the hail! 😩😂

I said in my bio that the longest I have ever run to date was 16 miles ONCE in 2022. Other than that, a half marathon has been my longest distance. Today was my longest EVER distance 🙌🏻👊🏻. And, believe me,  it felt like it! 🥵

Quads still like lead (but not as bad as Tuesday); ankles taped to minimise the pressure on my achilles and knee duly slathered in CBD oil. Don’t get me started on the chafing! 🙈😊 I’ll save that pleasure for next week! 😝😂
#week9 ✅👊🏻

Thank you to this week’s sponsors and all of my sponsors to date - I really do appreciate and I am honestly earning it! 😁💜x 

LM24 Training #runningforStroke 💜 #week9 #run1 💦💨💦💨

Tuesday 20th Feb
Another Tuesday. Another 10 miler. Another complete soaking! 😩. Well, the forecast was totally correct - it was very wet and it was very windy. 
Started out running on the Prom, the sea was a murky brown 🌊 and it felt as if we were running backwards as the wind was so strong! 🌬️ That pretty much set the tone for the remaining 9.5 miles! 😫
My trusty companions were both in much better spirits than I tonight and were both prone to random bursts of energy which had me constantly questioning our supposedly ‘easy’ pace! 😂 However, despite the atrocious weather, they kept me going until the end - following which a hot cuppa and a hot shower revived me (a little!). Tuesday 10 done ✅.
Roll on Friday’s 17 miler - I’m so excited at the prospect that I won’t be able  to sleep until then! 😏😬
💜Thanks to this week’s sponsors 🙏🏻💜x 

LM24 #runningforStroke💜 #week8 #run2 - long run - 16miles!

Sunday 18th Feb
Another Sunday, another run, another added mile! 😫 
On a positive note, whilst it was light drizzle and low cloud for the first 7 miles, the sun came out for the remaining 9! Hallelujah! 🥳😎
Ok - positivity over, that was an absolute bugger of a run! 😧 There’s not many places in Swansea that you can run a longer distance without taking in a hill or 2 or 3…! 😱 We went from south to north, west and then south with an elevation gain of just over 1,000ft! 

However, we put one foot in front of the other (often in puddles, mini swamps and fast running streams!) and got it done! 👊🏻 Spirits were (in the main!) relatively high but were all glad to see our watches hit that magic number of miles - 16! I think we checked them every 2 minutes from mile 14 onwards 😂
#week8 #run2 ✅👊🏻

Ps road tested a new pair of Brooks Glycerin running shoes  today but, look out Brooks, they’re on their way back to you - once I’ve cleaned them up a bit! 😊

Thanks all - see you next week for the (probably very wet🙄) Tuesday miler 10 🙋🏼‍♀️💜 (😴)x 

LM24 Training #runningforStroke💜 #week8 #run1 - wet (again!) 10 miler! 💧🌧️

Thursday 15th Feb
Late post for Tuesday as I fell asleep after the run! 😴

Another wet one and we lost one of our marathon crew on Tuesday as a result of illness (get well soon Sophie!) so just the two of us at the moderate pace. The fast ‘boys’ did an extra mile so got back slightly later than us so no full crew photo this week either! The shower beckoned over the wait for a photo! 

Lots of puddles but more sympathetic car drivers this week - resulting in us getting wet but not totally drenched!  🙏🏻Every cloud…

Miles 6-10 were tough on this run as it was dark, foggy and drizzly but a high five to Mike 🙌🏻 for  dragging me around (and for waiting for me in the cold whilst I went to the loo in Mumbles  -no, in a restaurant and not a wild wee😏!). 

Anyway #week8 #run1 done. Next is Sunday’s 16 miler “with moderate hills”! Can’t wait! 😱

LM2024 #runningforStroke #week7 #run2 (#3 actually 😇) - 15 miler!

Sunday 11th Feb
Well, I’m happy to report that this Sunday’s run, despite being a mile longer, was a lot more positive than last Sunday’s! 

Despite a little bit of drizzle at times, the weather was much better and we actually had some sun! 😎🙌🏻

Nice run up to the north of Swansea - parts of which I had never run before, following the canal for large parts. 

15.35 miles later, we arrived back at our start point. I couldn’t even lift my leg to stretch it, my foot was blistered, my knee was aching and my Achilles had flared up  and I was knackered. HOWEVER, it was a lot, lot better than last week’s effort. 

Now to ice everything (think I’d be better off with one of those cold tubs!🥶) and hope the grandchildren don’t run me ragged in the park! 😫😂

As always, thanks to this week’s sponsors and all my sponsors! 🙏🏻💜x

LM24 running for Stroke 💜 #week7 #run1 - monsoon 10 miler! 💧💨💧💨

Tuesday 6th Feb
Wet, wet, wet! In the dark, dark, dark! With a tough wind, wind, wind! 😫

Positively  monsoon conditions out there tonight! 💧💨💧💨
We ran through puddles that needed flippers , temporary streams on inclines and motorists thinking they were funny by sending mini tsunamis our way when they hit mini floods at the side of the road! 🙄

Despite this, the marathon training crew turned up, put our best feet forward and covered 10 soggy miles. The homemade cookies 🍪 and fruit cake were a very welcome and much needed treat at the end of the run! 
Ps let’s not mention trench foot! 🥴
#week7 #run1 - 10 miler✅ 👊🏻

LM24 running for Stroke 💜 #week6 #run2 - long run - 14 miler! 😫

Sunday 4th Feb
Well, I think this was one of the hardest runs to date - physically and mentally! 😫

Getting up at 6.30am on a grey and wet Sunday to make sure I’m fed and watered beforehand is a challenge in and of itself! Add in the 15-20 mins prep of binding my bunions (🥴), pulling on my ankle supports and gelling my knee with ibuprofen and I’m already knackered! 

Whilst the fast ‘boys’ disappeared into the distance, the 3 more moderately paced (but not slow!) amigos made our way around, what felt like 14 gruelling miles. I think we could all have given up anywhere between 9 and 14 miles! 

However, whilst the normal long run chatter (about everything and anything) dwindled at times, we spurred each other on and finished together! 👊🏻

All of the above does make me wonder why 🤷🏼‍♀️ and then I remember that I’m doing this to raise funds for a very worthy cause - #runningforStroke💜👊🏻. 

Next training run will be Tuesday, but I don’t think I’m going to get my recovery time in by then! 🤔😬😂

As always, thanks for reading and thanks for your continued support 🙌🏻💜

LM24 running for Stroke 💜 #week6 #run1 - short run - 9 miler!

Tuesday 30th Jan
Tuesday run is supposed to be an easy run but I’m not sure who worked that one out! 😏

Straight off the back of Sunday’s half marathon and yesterday’s leg session in the gym 🏋🏼‍♂️, tonight’s run was anything but easy! 😫

Trying to vary a route in Swansea without taking in too many hills is not easy - particularly 🙂as the runs get longer. Tonight’s route took us on a loop of SA1 before heading east along Fabian Way to the Amazon roundabout and back. 

Blinded by an endless stream of car headlights and with legs feeling like they were filled with concrete, I was so relieved to see the lights of the LC2 looming, knowing that our run was over! 

Mega thanks as always to my running buddies, Sophie and Mike who also must have been mightily relieved to end their runs tonight, if only to stop having to hear my constant moans and groans! 🥵🥴😂

Oh yeah, and on top of that, I lost a toenail! 😫 

Anyway, #week6 #run1 is ✅  and Sunday is 4 days away! 😆💜x 

LM2024 running for Stroke💜 #week5 #run2 - 13 miles!

Sunday 28th Jan
Lovely sunny day today 😎. 

I have to admit that having had the hangover from hell on yesterday after my leaving do on Friday night, I really wasn’t looking forward to a half marathon this morning 😵‍💫🥴. 

However, the sun was out, and I actually had a nice chatty run with my running buddies Sophie and Mike -  putting the world to rights as we slogged on! 😆. 

I decided to ease off on the caffeine strips along the way this week 🤪 and, for the first time in a while, didn't feel the need to seek out a 🤢 bucket at the end! 😊

After I’d finished my run, my initial reaction was ‘could I now go on and run this same distance all over again?’🤔 

I  thought long and hard about it for all of a minute and the answer was ‘hell no! 😫🥵😂

I’ll be back on Tuesday for #week6 #run1 update! Don’t go away! 😉💜

Ps thank you to this week’s sponsors 🙏🏻💜x 

LM24 running for Stroke Association💜 - #week5 #run1 with storm Jocelyn for company! 🌪️💧

Tuesday 23rd Jan
The last thing I wanted to do tonight was to leave the warm cocoon of my house and head out for a run. It was dark, wet and windy but, surprisingly warm! 1 out of 4 isn’t too bad I guess! 😁

Storm Jocelyn forced a last minute change of the planned route as none of us fancied being swept out to sea towards the lights of Devon! The salt water would have ruined my running shoes! 😏
However, avoiding the seafront and marina meant that we had to head inland and that meant (drum roll please 🥁🥁) - hills! 😫
Unfortunately, the wind wasn’t behind us when we were running up those hills either! 

However, despite being wet and wind battered, we survived the 8 miles. We were rewarded with coffee (thanks Simon Thomas) and our (now firmly established) post-run homemade cake treat  (thank you Simon Treharne), which tonight was my favourite, Teisen Lap 👌🏻.  Our cake and coffee was accompanied by an animated repertoire from our Cornish pasty expert (Andy Golley) who provided insider tips on how to make the perfect Cornish pasty. Despite the dark, hills, storm and rain, I can tell that all those reading this (if anyone!) are now dead jealous that they too aren’t marathon training!😂 

I’ll be back later in the week with an update on #week5 #run2 - bet you can’t wait! 😆💜

LM2024 running for Stroke #week4 #run2 - 12 freezing miles! 🥶💜

Friday 19th Jan
Had to bring Sunday’s long run forward to today as a result of a family event. 

The day started with an early morning physio appointment for shockwave therapy on my hamstring! If you’ve never had this therapy, it bloomin’ hurts AND… you have to pay for the privilege too! 😫😏

From there it was straight across to meet my running buddy Sophie for a sunny but baltic 12 miler! Even the sand on Swansea beach had a solid frosting and we felt like we were in Narnia 🦁❄️ as we went through the woods! ❄️

 Full wrap up session today with gloves, snood and layers which all remained on for the whole run! 🥶 Despite frequent bouts of dodging the black ice, it was actually a really enjoyable run and you don’t hear me say that too often! Make the most of it - it won’t last!  😉😂

2 whole rest days until Monday (i.e. if you can count soft play with the grandchildren tomorrow as a rest day! 🤪) 
I’ll be back! 👊🏻💜

Ps thank you to all this week’s sponsors 🙏🏻💜

LMT24 Running for Stroke💜 #week4 #run1

Tuesday 16th Jan
Week 4 already! How time flies when you’re enjoying yourself! 😏

So week 4 started with an easy 7 miler. My watch recorded ‘easy’ but my brain recorded ‘not again!’ 😳

Cold and threatening rain BUT… not as cold as last Tuesday and the rain held off - result! It’s the little things…😂

Bonus night tonight with a guest runner too 😉 and homemade cake 🧁which, for the record,  wasn’t baked by me - there’s more chance of me signing up for an ultra marathon than baking! 😂   

Excited about my long run (12 miler) at the end of the week already! 😏😬. 

I’ll be back! Unfortunately! 😬🤪

Ps thanks to all this week’s sponsors too 💜x 

London Marathon Training for Stroke - 11 miler and that’s week 3 done! 🙌🏻💜

Sunday 14th Jan
#week3 #run3 - 11 miler!💜

Fortunately,  it was a little bit milder today and some intermittent sunshine AND… wait for it, 11 miles of complete and utter flatness! YES! 🙏🏻🙌🏻😂

Nice, manageable run out and back along Swansea Prom with its fabulous view which never bores me (maybe being so flat also helps 🤔😂). 

Only 3 of us today because a number of our brave fellow marathoners were tackling 5 miles+ of hilly, muddy terrain at a cross country race 👊🏻 - me, I jibbed! 🥴 That terrain and dodgy ankles just don’t make for the perfect combination (or any combination!). 

3 weeks in the bank and many more to follow! Stay tuned! 🙋🏼‍♀️💜

LMT for Stroke. #week3 #run2 - midweek tempo 5 mile bonus (😮) run 💜

Thursday 11th Jan
Bonus run this week with a 5 mile tempo run! This is getting serious! 😬 
Positively tropical at 5 degrees tonight and fortunately the wind had dropped since Tuesday - just as well as I’ve only just thawed out! 

The absolute best thing about tonight?  There were no hills! 🙌🏻😂

Next report on Sunday after our long run for #week3 #run3 which will be 11 miles! Better get topping up on carbs 🍝and fluids🍷 🍾 - oops! 😜 I meant fluids 💧💧😂💜

7am 😴. 0 degrees 🥶❄️. Strength & Conditioning training 🏋🏼‍♀️💜

Wednesday 10th Jan
Legs a bit sore after last night’s 7 miler but largely my own fault as the lure of the hot coffee far outweighed the need to stretch post-run! 🥴 Lots of leg work today and no mercy shown by my instructor! It was 0 degrees when I left the house at 6.30am and 0 degrees when I got back at 8.30am! A big bowl of porridge was the order if the day! Anyway, another bit of training to add to my road to London 👊🏻 Huge thanks as always to all of you who have sponsored me and as such have made a donation to the Stroke Association and who have taken the time to read my blog 🙏🏻💜

Positively baltic! LMT #week3 #run1 - 7 miles with hills! 😱🥶👊🏻💜

Tuesday 9th Jan
It would have been so easy to have stayed in the warm tonight,  but no, we layered up and hit the roads (not literally!). It was a bit of a hilly route too and as my fellow running buddies know (from my constant moaning!), hills are not for me! 
However, we finished the route and had earned our coffee at the end! 🥶☕️
We were all well illuminated though a# you can see! 💡🔦😂💜

London Marathon Training for Stroke #week2 #run2 - 10 miler 💜

Sunday 7th Jan
The repeat weeks started to freak me out as I couldn’t remember where I was (it doesn’t take much to confuse me! 😵‍💫). This is the 3rd week of training so I’m sticking with that! 😂

Icy cold this morning ❄️ and underfoot for the start of our run and slipping was my biggest fear. However, despite zig zagging to avoid the ice,  it was a pleasure to run in the sun for a change! 😎

I had a bit of a crisis of confidence mid week (last week) as I couldn’t keep up with the group pace (majority of them are faster than me!) but following a pep talk from one of my running buddies yesterday, I got my act together today 💪🏻. 

We set out to do an easy 9 miler which turned into a 10 miler. I actually enjoyed the run despite the ankle, knee and hamstring niggles 🥴😂. 

Hopefully drier weather this week will help with the training (as will the visit to the physio tomorrow 🙏🏻). It’s a new week so onwards and upwards! 👊🏻💜

#week1 #run1 on repeat! 6 miler! 😂💜

Wednesday 3rd Jan
We realised we started the training 2 weeks too early and would have peaked (!) too soon! We’ve therefore gone back to week 1 again this week. A VERY wet 6 miler last night! 💧🌧️💧

#week 2 #run2 - Wet and Windy 9 miler!

Sunday 31st Dec
Really didn’t fancy this run today and really struggled with my breathing at one point. Grateful as always to my wing man (Mike) and wing woman (Sophie) for keeping me going.

#week2 #run1 - 6 easy (!!) miles!

Wednesday 27th Dec
Well, our early morning run started in the pitch black this morning and we faced the full force of storm Gerrit when we hit the seafront!  🌪️💧🌊 As if that wasn’t enough, a hill climb to finish 6.5 ‘easy’ miles was not my idea of fun - not even if there was a promise  of coffee at the end! 😳😁
Quick shower and then  straight into a non-stop 6 hour car journey ‘up North’ to visit family. I could really do with those leg recovery gadgets now as right ankle, knee and hamstring are all giving me major grief today ! 😫🙋🏼‍♀️

#week1 #run2 8 miles.

Sunday 24th Dec
Early and blustery start to a Saturday with the marathon group and the supporting marathon group! 👊🏻🎄

#week1 #run1 - 5 easy (!) miles

Thursday 21st Dec
And so it begins…

And so it begins…! 😱 #run1 #week1

Thursday 21st Dec
#Run1 of the 16 week marathon training plan on Weds 20/12.
 5 ‘easy miles’ they said! If that’s easy, I’m in BIG trouble! 😮
Probably wasn’t the best idea to go straight from an S&C session. I need t think this through a bit more 😬😂

Coming Back!

Sunday 1st Oct
Well, last Sunday, whilst my running club went out and did their thing, I decided to put my positive pants on and start my rehab training properly. I had a 5 mins walk / 10 mins run session for 50 mins on the treadmill which was testing! 🥵
Ankles were sore but not overly painful but my fitness was shot! 🥴

Positive pants lasted until Tuesday which was supposed to be rehab run 2. However, a late night in work put a stop to that 😁🩲❌☹️👎🏻. 

However, good PT session on Monday and Weds and circuits on Thursday got me back on track - a bit! 🙃

Gutted to be missing Cardiff Half Marathon, I decided to give the treadmill a go at the gym whilst the running club was on. However, positive pants once again hoisted up 🩲⬆️👍🏻, I joined in with the Club’s 10k group instead. I was firmly kept to a sensible pace by one of my running buddies and got around without stopping (whilst praying for red lights🚦 at every junction!). I was breathing very heavily at the end but so relieved to do it. Discomfort in both ankles throughout (and the usual niggly knee 🙄) but no really bad pain! 🙌🏻

Oral Ibuprofen and gel now administered and I’m feeling ok! Delighted to hopefully be back on track! 

See you all next week for what will hopefully be an even more improved picture. 

Have a great week everyone! 🙋🏼‍♀️💜💚

Running may be still a no-go but strength and conditioning training continues…

Saturday 16th Sep
Sprained left ankle is starting to heal almost 6 weeks on but not ready for any running yet. Physio this week confirmed Insertional Achilles Tendonitis in the right ankle (means nothing to me other than it hurts!) 🙄. Shock wave therapy started so hopefully I’ll be back up and running in about 3-4 weeks 🤞🏻
Absolutely gutted to have to miss the Swansea Bay 10k on 17/09 and Cardiff HM on 1/10 but now mentally reconciled to that and to getting my ankles sorted once and for all! 
Meanwhile, I promise that  I’m not lounging around!  S&C continues at the gym and I’ll get back on the saddle of the exercise bike (maybe I’ll buy some padded shorts! 🥴) and the occasional spin class 🏋🏼‍♀️🚲😵‍💫🙋🏼‍♀️

Run in the sun! 😎🌅

Saturday 9th Sep
Well, today was my first proper run since tearing the tendon in my ankle 5 weeks ago. Despite trying to maintain my fitness levels on an exercise bike  whilst off running, I found the run really, really tough. It’s amazing how quickly you lose running fitness (not that I was that fit before!). 
However, persevere I shall and I’ll  offer myself the same advice that I offer others - ‘take it slowly and you’ll be surprised by how quickly you build back up’. I’m good at giving the advice but not so sure I’m  so good as listening to it! 🥴
Thank you to all those that have sponsored me so far 🙏🏻
And now, I’m off to do Pilates! In yoga yesterday, the animation guy said  (sic) “you problem is you want to everything too fast. Slow down!” Can’t argue with that! 🧘🏼‍♂️
Happy Saturday everyone! 

Thank you to my sponsors


Derek Thomas


Dan Minster

To two wonderful people who always made me feel like a welcome member of their family. Good luck Frances x



Hope the training isn't too cold 🥶❄️ 😂 Good luck 🍀


Cerys & Ste

You’re going to smash it with all the training you’re doing!! x


Sianny Morris

With much love and camaraderie from a fellow sprained ankler 😩😩 G says we’re only paying up If you get under 3.5 hours 😂😂xx


Iwan Davies

Hi Fran, Your grit and determination will see you smash the marathon! Just take the build up easy and take care!


Nick Bradley

Good luck Fran you can do it x


The Johns

We're really proud of you Franna, Love Matthew and Ffion (and Bethan and Steve)



Good luck!






🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼❤️❤️❤️💋💋💋🤗🤗🤗 sooo well done darling


Kevin Wason

Nearly there. I’ll be popping down to the smoke to watch you run. All the best x


Robert Thomas

So proud of you Fran - hope all goes well. All our Love Sue & Rob


Dylan, Josh & Lois

Great, Great Aunt Fran - you are an inspiration to us all All our Love , Dylan Josh & Lois


Jess And Jamie Rice

Go Fran!! 💪💪


Mi George


Sian Pearson

Good luck! You’ve done all the hard work, now it’s time to enjoy the day. You’ve got this 👊🏻 xx


Marc And Dawn

Good luck Fran, enjoy the day and no doubt you will be fantastic.


Julie Dunn

Go Our Fran! You are going to love it my friend! You')) be Fran-tastic, as always! X


Karen Isaac

Fran you are doing amazing. What an achievement this will be. You are one very determined lady and I know you will cross that finish line, just don’t forget to enjoy it and be very proud of yourself! I’ll be watching the tv hoping to spot you xxx


Wendy Lewis

I’m sure you will do well and for such a good cause xx


Rhian Williams


Colin Jones

Good luck Frances Best Wishes Colin


Wayne Evans

Good luck Fran, a further £1 per mile for what you actually do. I'm sure you'll finish. Wayne x


Wayne Evans

Well done Fran, I did say I'd give an extra £ for every mile you actually did. Superb effort x


Christine Jones

Good luck Fran - you will smash it I’m sure!



Brilliant determination and goal Fran You will Nail it. I have every confidence in you! I’ve got somebody to look out for on the telly now all the very best in reaching your target and having a fantastic race.


Jo Furber

You’re a total inspiration! x


Samantha Thomas

Good Luck Fran , you will be amazing and will absolutely smash it you’ve worked so hard , Good Luck Lovely 😘


Catherine Mcgrath

Good luck Fran! I know you’ll smash it! 💚


Tracy Ellicott


Rob Llewellyn

Good luck


Helen Bivens

Well done Fran, fantastic achievement Love from Helen, Dave, George & Megan xx


Mike Day

Go Fran! Great cause and well done for doing this.


Rhian Thomas

Go Fran! You can do this 💚



Good luck Fran, such a worthy cause xx


Simon Thomas

All the best Fran


Simon Treharne

Good luck Fran - training starts this week!!


Rhian And Rob Beresford


Sian Powell

What an inspiration! Go Fran! Lots of love, Sian x


Lisa Evans

Go…Go Fran 🏃‍♀️ Love following your training journey, you will be amazing. Good luck and thoroughly enjoy xx


Kyle Davies

Best of luck, Fran 🤟


Lindsay Sleeman

What a wonderful thing to do in memory of two very special people. Like everything you put your mind to you will smash this x


Howard Morgan


Lesley Martin

Good luck my beautiful driven friend 🫶I know you will smash it, you just need to retire now so you can get fit & ready 💪🙏❤️


Lucy Vw

Lots of love x (you’ll smash it!) 💜


Dianne Penberthy


Karen H

Go for it Fran x You know you can do it !


Mary Clare Pitson

Good luck


Andrea & Ian Harris

Good luck Fran 💚💚


Sophie Beresford

Good luck Fran! I know you’ll smash it 💚


Sue Reed

Good luck Fran you will smash it ! Sue & Andy xxx


Derek Claydon

Good luck Fran. You've done amazing in training. Enjoy the day and see you there


Chris Williams

All the best Fran, smash it!


Lynne Bowen-jones

So proud of you Fran! I know you’ll do it…so go girl! Xxxx❤️



Good luck for the run.


Elizabeth Richards


Frances Keogh-davies

Keep working hard and you’ll enjoy the day


Ben Davies-thompson

Fantastic Fran. Inspiration!


Tonia Thomas


Dai Morris

Good luck Fran. Enjoy the experience and we are sure you will smash it xx


Amber Brundle

Good Luck! You will be absolutely amazing! You are one determined young lady! 👊👊🏃🏼‍♀️


Ross Axworthy


Stephen Arnold

Good Luck Fran. I’ll be there supporting on the day


Leigh Besley

Good luck Fran, I absolutely loved running London last year & you will enjoy it as its one of the best atmospheres I've ever seen, also you are raising money for a great cause that's special to you so look forward to that finish line & be proud of everything on Sunday 💜


Julia Harries

Awesome. Well done 👏


Hannah Grover

You’ve got this! 🏃‍♀️💪🏼


Cath & Bryan Thomas

Good luck Frances Love Cath & Bryan x


Rebecca Cobley

Congratulations Fran! From The Crumbs Crew x


Sarah, Fraser, Sam And Hollie Newbury

Good luck Fran! I am so inspired by your commitment and dedication. I think you will absolutely smash it! What a wonderful cause too. Much love from Sarah, Fraser, Sam and Hollie x


Viv Martin

Good luck Fran, best wishes Viv x


Caroline Griffiths

Good luck Fran! Amazing thing to do x



You’ve got this; as always. I’ll be watching your journey to the finish line with pride and friendship. Go girl!


Colin Jones


Rachel Curtis

Go on Fran!!! SMASH IT!! congratulations on getting to the start line, have an amazing time xx


Kyle Davies


Susan Tully

Good Luck Fran and well done for supporting such a good cause.


Paul Relf


Cheryl Arnold

Well done Fran for even attempting the Marathon next year. Go girl go !! Xx


Karen Roberts

Fantastic achievement Fran 💕💪🏃‍♀️


Angela Harris

Well done Fran … now you can retire 😂💚


Ian Bateman

Good work Fran


Deb Yeates

Well done Fran for doing this for a worthy cause!


Kathryn Banks

Good Luck Fran and sure you can do it ❤️❤️


John Lewis

Fran You must be ‘so’ proud of what you achieved, as I’m sure your whole family is. Swansea 10k next🤣


Heidi B

Pob lwc. Awesomeness 👌 xx



Good Luck Fran!


Yvonne Gaynor Francis

Congratulations Fran on your amazing achievement x


Angharad Woozley

Have the most amazing time. The hard work is behind you (unfortunately not the pain 🤪) Soak up the atmosphere. Get to that start line and the training you have done will get you across that finish line!! Next stop Snowdon 🤣


Liz Jowett

Such a huge challenge. Well done 😘


Simone Evans

So proud of you xx massive achievement completing all your training now go get that medal 💪🏻👊🏻 xx


Andrew Golley

Good luck Fran. You've done great in training, just enjoy the day. Cu there!


Georgia Thomas

As someone who hasn't ran since her 1 and only half marathon, I can only admire you for committing to a full one Fran! I've no doubt you'll do absolutely amazing and can't wait to track you along the way ☺️ sending you lots of luck for all your training and the big day xxx


Simone Evans

Very best of luck lovely No matter how you start/finish it you’ll be a winner 🥇



Have a fabulous experience Fran xxxxx


Shaton Osborne

Good luck it’s a great cause


Emma Thomas

Huge congratulations fran


Denise F

Go for it Fran. Fundraising is so difficult! Add to that the challenge and I think we're both nutters!!🙂


Keith Jenkins


Amy Rees

Well done on the massive effort you've put in so far in preparation 👏 Go smash it on the big day... Good luck Amy x


Laura Cooney

Good luck Fran! x


Sian Winchester

Good luck Fran xx


Julie French


Louise Gardner

Best of luck today Fran and well done on all the training. An amazing personal achievement but most importantly, well done on raising so much for such a worthy cause.




Ant Coker


Sarah Thyer

Good Luck Fran. Great cause and sure you will smash it. Enjoy the training x


Deborah Matthews

You’ve got this Fran….you’ll smash it!


Jackie Bahzad

Good luck Fran, you will smash it x



Go Fran go! You are amazing!


Karen Gibbins


Lynne Arnold

Well done Frances! 👏 London Marathon! You got this Fran! You're so inspirational and I wish you every success xx 🏃‍♀️🏅


Elaine Perkins

Good luck Frances.xx


Dan Marley

Go Fran!


Mark & Nicola Davies

Good luck Fran x


Siany P

Good luck 🤞


Sophie Beresford



Hayley And Phil Jonez

Good luck Fran, super proud of you. Hayley



Good Luck Fran! 🍀 xx


Michelle Grove

Good luck Fran! You'll smash it 💪 xxx


Alison Richards

Congratulations Fran. Love from Alison x


Melanie Jones

You've got this Frances. And an amazing charity too xx


Glen X


Gareth Jones

Good luck Fran!


Lesley Martin

Thought you deserved a little too up following your amazing achievement 💪🥂🍾❤️


Jane Walters

Congratulations to you, such an achievement. You must be so proud of yourself what you’ve accomplished and raised. All our love xxx


Barbara G

Go Fran!!! 💚


Nicola Davies

Good luck Fran, you will smash it x


Linsey Ost

Good Luck Fran you will smash it 👏🏻👏🏻💚


Melanie Jones

What an amazing charity to be running the London marathon with. I shall track you very step of the way, you can and will do this xx


Mark Sullivan

Good luck Fran


Karen Grunhut

Good luck Fran. Enjoy every second. When you get to the tough miles just think about this amazing charity that you're supporting 🍀💪🏼💚


Amanda Davies


Steve Hopkins

ATB Fran


Rebecca Allen

Good luck fran 💚


Lynsey Merchant

Good Luck Fran ❤️


June John

Go for it Fran, what an inspiration you are. X



Fran you will amazing as always you will go your family & friends proud x


Susannah Bulpin

Good luck Fran- the winter months will fly by!


Cath R

Good luck Fran, you’ll do it! 💜x



Amazing challenge. You’ll do it even if you have to crawl across the finish line. Hope you’re able to get back in training soon 🙏🏻💜x