Ann-Marie Ling

Walk your Marathon

My Achievements

Fundraising page set up

Uploaded a profile pic

Shared your page

Hit 50% of fundraising target

Reached distance goal

Reached fundraising target

My updates


Saturday 15th Jun
Today, I have completed the challenge of 26.2 miles in 2 weeks. Thank you to everyone who has donated, it is going to a very worthy cause ❤️

Update 6th June

Thursday 6th Jun
Just over 11 miles in, my sister has done more as she wanted to get hers in at the weekend rather than so much during the week. 

Thank you very much to those who have donated so far!

Reason for Completing this Event

Wednesday 29th May
In October last year, we received the devastating news that my sister had a Stroke at 34 years old! It was completely out of the blue. We had very little knowledge of Strokes but had to learn very quickly to support her, her husband and children (10 and 6 at the time) through it. 

She amazes us all the time with her determination and whilst she still is recovering, she has improved vastly. I would dare anyone to tell her she can't do something because she will prove you wrong 😆

She has signed up to complete this challenge so of course, we are doing this with her!

The below is from her page:

"Hi I’m Shereen,
I am 34 and I am a wife and mummy to a beautiful family. 

In October, I suffered severe stroke with no prior warning signs. I lost my whole right side and my speech. I thought I would never talk or walk again and I lost my identity.

In time and with determination I am nearly recovered, however I will forever remember I nearly lost my life and I am forever grateful for the Stroke Ward team and my family to enable to overcome my challenges. 

I would like others to share my story and share stroke awareness, it can happy to anyone at any ages and fundraise for this fantastic cause. 

Thank you ☺️"

Thank you to my sponsors


Harvard Lewis Associates Ltd

Well done!! Go for it!! 😊😊😊👏👏👏


Ann Barber





Donation from Jill Lavens


Simon Lister

Donation made xx


Lynsey Freear


Rav Saib

Great cause - best wishes!


Kerry Ling



Good luck to both of you. You'll smash it I'm sure


Alexa Embleton


Simon Martin


Alison Frith

Good luck Ann-Marie!


Carl Atkinson


Ben Godbold

Good luck both !