Lucy & Emily

Bath Half Marathon 2025

We're fundraising for Stroke Association

We are running the Bath Half Marathon together in March to support the Stroke Association.
This is a charity close to our hearts, following the loss of a family friend. Stroke Association does vital work with individuals and families who have been affected by this horrific and often sudden trauma. 

We are proud to be running in memory of our friend Ed, as well as the many others who have so sadly lost their lives too soon. 
We really appreciate all your support for helping us highlight this amazing charity, and all the work they do. 

Thank you,
Lucy and Emily

Thank you to our Sponsors


Boss-eyed Chris Moyles

Good luck, Lucy and Milly! Run like Chris of 2005, just saw spotted the last Freddo multi pack in Tesco :)


Be Exhibitions

Amazing thing to do! Well done Lucy and Emilly!



Good luck!!! Very proud of both of you !! Xx


Alex Webb

Such an amazing cause guys, you’ll smash it!


Chris Moyles

Good Luck Lucy & Emily! You’ll smash it. And Dom will be waiting for you at the finishing line..! X


Ricky, Lou, Imie & Raffy

Good luck guys! We know Ed will be with you every step of the way. Xxx


Rodney Willcox


Katia Sena-birch

As a stroke survivor myself and can no longer run, I'm super greatful for your run for the stroke association




Lexi Knight


Ardent Carpentry Ltd

Good luck to both of you. Gives Dom plenty of free time. Might need a new remote. Pause buttons broke


Michael Fairn





Good luck on your half marathon


Amber Wing

Good Luck! Can't believe Dom didn't sponsor you sooner. shocking!


Paul Shanks

Good luck


Jayne Chambers


Philip A


Emily, Lou And Will X


Sara D

I'm not sure that 'Enjoy' is the right word to use but Enjoy!


Katherine Everson

Go go go you two brilliant people! X



Such a great cause! Good luck! I’m a stroke registrar and see the effects strokes can have on people every day!


Jamie Testa

Good luck ladies


Mark Cannon

You go girls now let's get Dom to match every donation 😅




Laura W


Dawn Williams


Henry Kelly


Alastair Little


Lucy M


James Perry


Helen Townsend

Good luck 🤞🏻




Andy Aston

Good luck on your run Lucy & Emily



Run Forest Run! Go go go lovely Lucy and Milly - you've got this... what a brilliant thing to do, and an amazing cause xx


Tim Morris

Good luck!


Claire Ellis


Robert Percy

My Dad has had a few strokes and a friend of mine! Congratulations and all the best for a great cause! 😎🏃‍♂️🏃


Will Harris

Best of luck to you both. You’ll smash it!


Sonia W


Harpenden Common Golf Club

Good luck girlies




Mucky Dom

Ooooo I love mucky mags



Good luck



Good luck ladies and thank Dom and guys for all the laughs 😃


Samantha Gill

This is a really good cause. My dad was very badly affected by a stroke. Good luck


Ivor Biggun


Paul In Zürich

Dom over dressed at Cap d'Agde


Rebecca Doherty

Run like the wind!


Clive Larner

Dom is a wrongun






Jane S

Good luck Lucy & Emily!


Mandy Fisher

Good luck with your half marathon


Heather Grainger

Best of luck!


Anders S

Good luck! Greetings from Sweden


Adam W

Good Luck x


David C

Good luck, and well done to all the other Radio X listeners. The GiftAid alone has almost reached your original target..!!


Mark Hearne

Dom made me do it


Richard Scales


Derek Smith

All the best from Perth Australia




Louise Boots

Good luck!!


Justin Gough

Would like to wish you both well. Listening to Dom right now talking with such pride about the two of you.





Good Luck!


Rachel Morrison



Best of luck Lucy and Emily. Great Cause.



Best of luck ladies, Mark (listening to Moyles)


Jane C


Christine Sampson-hughes

Good luck!!


Paul Croft





Karl Luckhurst






David Bryant


Charlotte Sykes (radio X Listener)



Dominic Vallis Radio X Listen




Carrie Daly


Elizabeth Scott

Good luck!


Terry Moulding

Dom’s a wrong un


Lyn Kennedy


Paul Knight


Claire Parker-farthing

Good luck Lucy and Milly!!! You’ll ace it!




Miranda Lodge

Good luck x


Alison Philo




Shaun Mahon








Bum Willy Bum Man






Clyde In Malta

From Clyde in Malta best regards


Craig Smith

Excellent work ladies, enjoy the day & keep smiling!






Jane Scott

Good luck!


Ruth Bourne

Great cause, sponsoring because Dom and the rest of the crew make me smile every day.


Fraser Brown





Dom is great, pass it on






Rory Webber

Heard this on the Chris Moyles Breakfast Show! Great cause.




Rob Oldham


Paul Bentley

Best of luck ladies 👍🏼😁




Neil Culff & Sam Palmer

Good Luck to you both!



Radio x listener


Swingers Association




David Hancock

Good luck with it. You must have more stamina to run than me.


Steve Long


Mark Stidston

Lost my Mum to a stroke last year, hateful disease. Well done ladies


David Dent

Dom is getting the message out on RadioX. Not bad for a baldy wrong'un.


Tammy Calow


Torgeir Soot


Neil Elliott


Sharon Levy

From Sharon and skip. Avid radio x listeners. Good luck ladies!!!!! Fabulous cause…. X


Sara Green


Jason Block

Well done ladies


Lorraine Elgar


Greg Faulkner


Kirsty Filsell


Barbara Hesp

Good luck ladies!!


The Babestation Team

Thanks to Dom for all his support over the years.



Listening to Chris Moyles, great cause , good luck!


Carly Whirly


Jason Essex


Richard Bamforth


Nathan Bragg

Good luck lucy and Emily from Nathan from Whitehaven, Radio X listener


Maxine (radio X Listener)


Faye Lampert



Good luck!! xx


Chris Snushall


Jess Lobo

Proud of you both!! Xxx


Phoebe Bedborough-smith


Tim Clayton

Long time listener (late 90's) - several times donated. Good luck Lucy and Emily. Can't believe Dom has not yet learned his lesson yet - Donate before Chris sees it!!!!!


Claire, Warrington


June Macu


Wendy Nelson

Good luck to you both


Steve Doran

Hope I donated before Dom did- good luck


Brian Earnshaw


Alun Shorthouse


Nigel Batts

Good luck!


Colin Day


Nudes Monthly

Keep running Lucy and Emily! Dom, thanks for your continuous support


Martin Lucas

good luck, Dom is a wrong un


Damon Morgan


Joanne Le-page


Paul Whiston

Good luck! Very good cause.


Alex Dodd



Good luck ladies




Ali Sendall

Good luck to you both. Great cause.


Kate Speirs


John Want

Well done Lucy. If anything for tolerating Dom.


Matt Townsend

Good luck Lucy & Emily. Sorry about Doms obsession of smearing marmite over himself




Wendy Woo

Good luck & thanks to Dom for letting everyone know about the worthy cause


Donna T

Good luck to both of you ! At least it will be a break from Dom 🤣 Donna x


Ada Big Fan

Good luck guys





Good Luck!!!! At least you can run away from Dom


Simon Child

Good luck with it all!



Good luck from NZ


Dominatrix The Great

Remember me big boy Dom at our national swingers party


Dom’s Jazz Mags



Good luck




Hugh Janus

Thanks for a great party Dom, you are a wrong-un



Good luck Emily and Lucy


Jo Stanley


Doms Tattoo

Dom for mayor of cap d'agde



Sarah Lightfoot

Good Luck 💪🏻 could Dom wear a fetching outfit to support your run on the day ? 80’s shell suit ? Alan partridge shorts and calf socks ?


Damien Mackinney

Keep running (away from Dom).






Good luck



Ruth Rodwell

Good luck to you both. I lost my mum to a stroke nearly ten years ago, so this is close to my heart too xx


Scarlet Mchardy




Rachael Hall

Amazing effort both - listen to Dom on the radio!




Mike Haskell



Dom and the Radio X breakfast team are fundraising legends, pass it on!


Catherine Carrington

Good luck Lucy & Milly. I said it before and say it again. Don’t let Dominic anywhere near the money. Xx



Good luck with your run for a great charity.


Emma Carr

Good Luck Lucy and Emily! Radio X listener 🤍💛💙


Scott De Stefano


Matt Price






As Dom might say….Enjoy!



On behalf of Dom the Scrooge


Ollie Radio X Fan

Good luck ladies





Good luck ladies! You’ve got this! Dom, enough on those websites. Love from Tom, the original Craptic book designer 😘


🍋 Daniel Lemon

Well done ladies!!! You can do it!!! 2 tips for you: Vaseline between your feet & anywhere that rubs. Also jelly babies will give you a nice will boost when your energy levels drop.



Good luck


Mark Mackenzie

Great cause. Good luck.


Rachel Scholes

Good luck!




Mo Jackson

Good luck


Rosanna Speirs

Good luck xx


Yaseen Uddin



Steve Penk

Dom is a wrong un!


Norwich Swingers Association

Dom's a wrongun, he's not welcome back to our bi-annual swingers association party after the last time!! Hen knows!


Cap D'adge Appreciation Society

Good luck from everyone at Dom's home from home.


Paul Smith

Great cause - best of luck. Radio X listener




John Hardman

Good luck on your run


Caroline H

Go girls!


Jed Maxwell

Was brilliant to meet the team at the comedy store. Legends.. Met Chris outside.. Should have said Hi to Pippa, Toby and James


Timmy Tissues

Dominic Byrne has an account with Andrex… pass it on!


Cap D'agde Nudist Association


Dave Hillier



Jez G


Sally, Nol, Elliot And Erin Xx

Massive well done on the training! What an incredible amount of money you’ve raised. We know you’re going to smash it! xx


Fern Powell

Good luck


James Robinson

Good luck Lucy and Milly! Dom is a wrongun pass it on


Millie Hitchen


Stuart Fraser

Good luck. Listener of Dom’s every morning


Boss-eyed Dom!

Go for it ladies. Great charity. Your friend would be proud! Love & hugs Nat xx


Veronica The Cleaner


Danni From Babestation

Dom sent me the link, he's been a big supporter of me over the years, it's about time I gave something back. Good luckXxx


Stuart Woodcock

Well done….. apologies for Dom


Joannah Evans


Charles Collins


Sophie Richardson

Good luck!!!


Julia Scotland

Good luck Lucy & Emily! Radio X Listener xx



Best of Luck!


Veronica The Cleaner

Instead of that money I owe you for the mucky vid. Dom is a wrong un.



Janine Williams

You got this girls x RadioX listener





Iain Robertson


Mega Cowell

Good luck




Nicola Carlin


Martin Leonard



Good luck, great charity. Chris has done a great job calling you out. Come on Dom.... Donate! Tracey x


Daisy M

Good luck Lucy and Emily


Faye Cadel

Good Luck Both x Rumour has it...You're Chasing Pavements


Celia Westbrook


Jack Gill



My step dad had a stroke in November last year and is on a very long journey recovering still! But he’s doing so well! So definitely a cause close to my heart. Just wish I could afford to donate more currently. Best of luck ladies! Sure you’ll smash it.




Sharon Bushby




Dom's Doggers!


Dom G

Donated before Dom 😊


Kelly Wren

Lost my dad to a stroke last year so close to my heart also. Good luck to you both! Xx


Jane Beharrell

Dom has told al the Chris Moyles' show listeners how amazing you are both doing! Good luck Lucy and Molly, it's a wonderful cause Jane in Gateshead xx


Claire Fleming

Good luck!


Steven J In Mk

Good luck ladies


Victoria Charlton


Mark Read


Carol Butler

Good luck




Hannah Lawton

Go on ladies!


Tim Drury


Nicky Gentle

Good luck both!!!




Lee-anne Etherington


The Power Of Radio X Listeners


Tony Mcdonagh




Adam Tomlinson


Debbie Corrigan

Good luck!


Chrismoyles Is Gay

Good luck!


Paul Mcgregor

Good luck guys



Dom is a bad man


Edward Andersen


Emily D


Lau Jenkins

Well done - really great charity


Boutros Boutros-ghali



Good luck and enjoy the day.


Sam Tomlinson

Dominic, you are a wrong one


Louise Veal



From Hannah & Marley


Emma Chamberlain - Radio X Listener

Good luck ladies, go for it! 🫶


Dave Selby

Good luck


Brian Griffin

Big Don




Isabella Newall


Jane Cleaver


Matt Parke-smith’ Loves A Refund!!


Dommy Parton




Booby Mags


Geoff Mortimer

Dom loves boobs


Jamie Day


James Stewart

Love you Dom


Neil Laws


Michell, Martin, Max, Heidi, Charlie And Lola

Good luck guys!!




Nazia Khan




James Spibey



Good luck, x and a worthwhile cause I had as stroke when I was 34, The SA helped me so much.


Brian Earnshaw

I missed selecting gift aid so here's a bit more 😊


Gary Thomas

Dom's and wrongun pass it on


Mike Tipler


Richard Woodward

Dom's bald head


Emma Deeny

Great cause x






Well done!!!


Fiona Devereux


Susan Radio X Listener


Ali Gunn

Good luck ladies 🩷



Gotta get to Hooters before they close....


Scip Lowson




Angela L


Emma Lumley

Good luck Lucy and Milly. Emma and George in Durham x


Jeni Stott

Best of luck


Chris Hall




Mark Johns

Great cause, well done.


Tim Shaw - Radio X Listener!!

Good luck girls.


Carolyn Skeldon




Hemmy Royd


Stephen Thomas


Sarah & Andrew


Huw Jerexion

Dom is to sexy for his shirt!


Dave And George S

Good luck! From Radio X listener


Beverley Jones


Slap Head Association

Thanks for raising awareness of slap headness from all of the team


Martin Archer

Well done Dom in promoting this.. Good luck Ladies


Rebecca Nolan

Go slow so dom misses the football!


Joanne Faulkner


David Dent


Simon & Emma

From the suppliers of Dom’s dirty magazines


Saving Ryan’s Privates

Doms a wrongon




David Templar

Goodlucky Lucy and emily


Stuart Dee


Dom ‘ebeneezer’ Burn

Chris made me. Here’s 10p per mile for you



You go girls! More research is is vitat and awareness made of how young people are also at risk of having a Stroke or a similar neurological illnesses with devastating consequences. How much do we think Dom would raise if he walked the marathon backwards?! X


Ming The Mercyless



Christopher Millard

Dom has hairy palms, pass it on.


Paul Whelan


Dom’s A Wrongun

Dom’s loves boobs, pass it on!


Amanda Skuse

Good Luck



Adding another £1 donation just to pop in a lovely pic of Dom :) Oh and good luck again Lucy and Milly! x


Dom’s A Dirty Old Man!!


Leeds Swingers Club

Dom is a wrong one


Ethan Williamson

Dominic Byrnes new job




A Tagg

Good luck Lucy & Millie #Doms a wrong un


Joe C

Dom has a hairy sword


Adam From Tring

Good luck guys, run as fast as Dom would run to his local newsagents for the newest mucky mag edition


Dom Likes Be Baps And He Cannot Lie


dom dom dom


Mor Man



Toby Lerone

Dom thinks runners are odd, pass it on!


Ruthe Hunt

Dom hates runners ... pass it on.




Adam From Tring

Bum willy bum, make sure you do a Dom and run (for mucky mags)


Gary Kennedy