The difference you make
When stroke strikes, part of your brain shuts down. And so does a part of you. Life changes instantly and recovery is tough.
But the brain can adapt. Our specialist support, research and campaigning are only possible with the courage and determination of the stroke community.
With more donations and support from you, we can rebuild even more lives.

How you help
In a single year, your fundraising and donations have helped fund:
- Our Stroke Helpline, which dealt with over 18,000 enquiries.
- A £1.4 million investment in stroke research.
- Our local stroke support groups, which provide peer support to 3,257 people.
Singleton Birch Ltd just donated £370.00
Isabella Chingono just donated £10.60
Alison Frith just donated £10.60
Dave & Sammi just donated £20.90
Ann Barber just donated £53.00
Anonymous just donated £30.00
Becky Bullock just donated £5.00
Simon Lister just donated £26.50
Kim Neall just donated £21.20
Ruth and Alice just created a team in Walk your Marathon
Ruth just registered for Walk your Marathon
Kerry Ling just donated £15.90
Anonymous just donated £30.00
Pat Wattam just donated £10.60
Lynsey Freear just donated £26.00
Holly S just donated £5.00
Simon Martin just donated £10.60
Alexa Embleton just donated £10.60
Gill Walker just donated £10.60
Ben Godbold just donated £10.00