Victoria Hughes

Great North Run 2025

My Activity Tracking


I'm taking part in the Great North Run 2025 as part of #TeamStroke

I joined #TeamStroke for the Great North Run 2025.

There are over 1.3 million stroke survivors in the UK, with 100,000 strokes happening in the UK each year. That's one stroke every five minutes.

Unfortunately on 15th August 2023 my uncle Gary suffered a catastrophic brain stem stroke caused by giant cell artiritis (GCA) which had gone undiagnosed for numerous months despite going back and forth to the GP with symptoms. GCA is a rare disease and we were told a GP may see one patient in their working career with symptoms and that is why Gary was misdiagnosed numerous times during his visits to hospital and his GP practice. 

Once Gary had his stroke, he suffered locked in syndrome, which is a devastating condition that leaves patients unable to move or speak, only communicating with eye movements. A patient is conscious and can think like they did prior to locked in but the statistics of overcoming this are near impossible. Sadly, after 2 weeks of fighting and being surrounded by the love of his family, Gary sadly passed away on 30th August 2023.

We had many questions during the time in hospital, how can someone fit and well one day then suffer a stroke so severe they may never return to their “normal” life. We spoke to stroke specialist and consultants, gaining knowledge and insight along with learning about GCA.  The work the stroke association do are amazing with support, advice, adaptions and special equipment to support patients in communicating and recovery. If I am able to raise any sum of money I’d be so proud. 

This is for all the ones who survived, are currently suffering and those who we’ve sadly lost but feel so lucky they were once here

Thank you for reading my story and donating. #TeamGary

My Achievements

Fundraising page set up

Added a profile pic

Made a donation

Shared your page

Reached 50% of target

Reached fundraising target